There is pulse measurement hardware in the eCAP.

Matt Porter submitted a kernel patch way back when:

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 8:13 AM Dennis Lee Bieber <>

> On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 13:30:55 -0700 (PDT), Arthur Caio
> <> declaimed the following:
> >Hey everyone,
> >
> >I have a project with a LM555 timer and need to calculate how much time it
> >takes for an input to go from LOW to HIGH and then to LOW again.
> >
> >Basically, I want to know the period of a square wave generated by the
> >LM555 timer.
> >
> >I did it with Arduino using the function Pulseln. But I need to do this
> >using a Beaglebone and programming in C++ (Using QtCreator).
> >
> >Is there a way to "open" the function PulseIn so I know what it does?
>         Sure... On my install it is found in:
> C:\Apps\Arduino169\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino\wiring_pulse.c
> Though it invokes a hand-tweaked assembly routine for the main loop, in
> wiring_pulse.S (for the AVR).
>         Strange -- I have all the boards installed in the board manager,
> but
> can't find any files specific to the others.
> >Moreover, do you guys have any piece of code that might help me?
> >
>         You need to take into account that the Arduino is a microcontroller
> (Atmel AVR for the most part -- the Due is an ARM M3, Zero is an ARM M0) --
> you have direct access to the hardware I/O pins. The Beaglebone is a level
> higher, using an ARM A-series (application, not microcontroller) processor
> under an operating system.
>         The common pin access is via OS maintained "device files" (they
> act as
> files to the user, but aren't real files on storage), and one uses plain
> POSIX/C I/O calls to open/read/close those files. That throws in a lot of
> overhead and latency. Enough overhead that common DHT11/DHT21 humidity and
> temperature sensors can not be read (they use a weird protocol where 1 and
> 0 are determined by the length of HIGH following a start-of-bit LOW [1 is
> ~80uSec, 0 is ~24uSec]).
>         The next step up is the MMAP process -- where you directly map the
> device registers into your program's address space, bypassing the OS file
> system. You'll need to study the register layout to find which registers
> control the pin you intend to read. You'll still be subject to OS
> interference (it could swap your process out to run some other background
> operation).
>         The third step is to write the pulse sampling code using the PRU
> (which
> is a sort of microcontroller hiding in the same processor chip), and use
> some form of IPC to have the main code tell the PRU to sample a pulse, then
> send the result back to you.
> --
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
>    HTTP://
> --
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