Description of the program:

An LED toggles on and off from a set delay time in R2.

A separate C program loads the PRU program, starts the core and then 
prompts the user for a Time to do a delay.   Upon the user entering a time, 
the c program writes that value to dataram and reads back the mapped memory 
from the PRU to show.

The PRU loop does a SBBO each time as well as a LBBO for a single R2 .   My 
LBBO call however is not returning the proper value, I am likely using the 
wrong pointer value.

Here is where I believe the problem is, how I interpret what register 
address to start at by setting an arbitrary r9 to the start.

*ldi            r9, 9  //  offset to the start of the third 32 bit value   *
*lbbo   r2, r9, 0 ,4  // read 4 bytes from there and store it into r2*

*After I write from C into the dataram for *

Here is the  pru program

#define CONST_PRUCFG  0xC4

#define CPU_HZ (200 * 1000 * 1000)
//lbco    r3, CONST_PRUCFG, 4, 4

.section .init0, "x"
.global __start
/* Initialize stack pointer. */
ldi sp, %lo(__stack_top)
ldi sp.w2, %hi_rlz(__stack_top)
        r2 =  0x0BEBC200  // set r2 to a default of 200,000,000
jmp main

.section .text

// init
ldi r0, 0
ldi r1, 0xffff
        ldi     r3, 777
        ldi     r4, 777
        ldi     r8, 1000
ldi r5, 10000


        //Load value of PRU data memory in general register r2
ldi     r9, 9  //  offset to the start of the third
lbbo r2, r9, 0 ,4
        mov r6, r2   // to prove in the c program that data arrived and is 
correct when displayed R2 should equal R6- debug
        mov    r2, r6

        sbbo  r0, r0, 0 , 48    // copy all 12 registers to memory R0...R11 

        // the goal is for  R2 to get  set in a C program outside theis 
assembly.   Thus changing the speed of the
       // blinking LED  - defualt is set to 1 second  = 200,000,000 cycles 
in CPU delay.

        // led on
mov     r30, r1
ldi r14, %lo( r2 )
ldi r14.w2, %hi_rlz(r2)
call delay_n2_cycles

// led off
mov r30, r0
ldi r14, %lo(r2)
ldi r14.w2, %hi_rlz(r2 )
call delay_n2_cycles

jmp main_loop

sub r14, r14, 1
qbne delay_n2_cycles, r14, 0

.word 1, 0, 0, 0 /* struct resource_table base */
.word 0 /* uint32_t offset[1] */

Here is the c program 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <libelf.h>

#include "prussdrv.h"
#include "pruss_intc_mapping.h"

#define AM33XX_PRUSS_IRAM_SIZE               8192
#define AM33XX_PRUSS_DRAM_SIZE               8192
#define PRU_NUM 0
#define ADDEND1 0x98765400u
#define ADDEND2 0x12345678u
#define ADDEND3 0x10210210u
#define LOOPS  30

#define DDR_BASEADDR     0x80000000
#define OFFSET_DDR 0x00001000
#define OFFSET_SHAREDRAM   0x00000000   //equivalent with 0x00002000


static int LOCAL_exampleInit ( );
static unsigned short LOCAL_examplePassed ( unsigned short pruNum, 
 unsigned int millis );
static int mem_fd;
static void *ddrMem, *sharedMem;
static unsigned int *sharedMem_int;
static int counter ;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
counter = 0 ;

tpruss_intc_initdata pruss_intc_initdata = PRUSS_INTC_INITDATA;
int ret;

printf("Initializing the PRUs...\n");

/* Open PRU Interrupt */
ret = prussdrv_open(PRU_EVTOUT_0);
if (ret)
errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "prussdrv_open open failed\n");

/* Get the interrupt initialized */

  printf("\tINFO: Initializing example. - Writing Data to Local CPU DDR Ram 

printf("Starting ...\n");

        unsigned int  blinkySpeed = 1000;

        while (counter < LOOPS){

printf("Please Enter a blinky speed in milliseconds:");
scanf("%d" , &blinkySpeed );
LOCAL_examplePassed(PRU_NUM, blinkySpeed );
        //usleep(5 * 1000 * 1000);
                counter = counter + 1;


    /* Disable PRU and close memory mapping*/
    //munmap(ddrMem, 0x0FFFFFFF);

printf("Program done.\n");


static int LOCAL_exampleInit (  )
    void *DDR_regaddr1, *DDR_regaddr2, *DDR_regaddr3;

    /* open the device */
    mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
    if (mem_fd < 0) {
        printf("Failed to open /dev/mem (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    /* map the DDR memory */
    ddrMem = mmap(0, 0x0FFFFFFF, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 
mem_fd, DDR_BASEADDR);
    if (ddrMem == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to map the device (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    /* Store Addends in DDR memory location */
    DDR_regaddr1 = ddrMem + OFFSET_DDR;
    DDR_regaddr2 = ddrMem + OFFSET_DDR + 0x00000004;
    DDR_regaddr3 = ddrMem + OFFSET_DDR + 0x00000008;

    *(unsigned long*) DDR_regaddr1 = ADDEND1;
    *(unsigned long*) DDR_regaddr2 = ADDEND2;
    *(unsigned long*) DDR_regaddr3 = ADDEND3;


static unsigned short LOCAL_examplePassed ( unsigned short pruNum, unsigned 
int millis )
    unsigned int result_0, result_1, result_2, 

     /* Allocate PRU Dataram memory. */
    prussdrv_map_prumem(PRUSS0_PRU0_DATARAM, &sharedMem);
    sharedMem_int = (unsigned int*) sharedMem;

    // set R2 which  hold our delay valy for the blinky action in the pru
    sharedMem_int[4] = (millis * 1000 * 200);

    // read all the current data ram fields in
    result_0 = sharedMem_int[ 0];
    result_1 = sharedMem_int[ 1];
    result_2 = sharedMem_int[ 2];
    result_3 = sharedMem_int[ 3];
    result_4 = sharedMem_int[ 4];
    result_5 = sharedMem_int[ 5];
    result_6 = sharedMem_int[ 6];
    result_7 = sharedMem_int[ 7];
    result_8 = sharedMem_int[ 8];
    result_9 = sharedMem_int[ 9];
    result_10 = sharedMem_int[ 10];
    result_11 = sharedMem_int[ 11];

    //printf("%p\n", (void *) &sharedMem_int[0]);
    printf("value R0 = %d\n ", result_0);
    printf("value R1 = %d\n", result_1);
    printf("value R2 = %d\n", result_2);
    printf("value R3 = %d\n ", result_3);
    printf("value R4 = %d\n", result_4);
    printf("value R5 = %d\n", result_5);
    printf("value R6 = %d\n ", result_6);
    printf("value R7 = %d\n", result_7);
    printf("value R8 = %d\n", result_8);
    printf("value R9 = %d\n ", result_9);
    printf("value R10 = %d\n", result_10);
    printf("value R11 = %d\n", result_11);
    //return ((result_0 == ADDEND1) & (result_1 ==  ADDEND2) & (result_2 == 
 ADDEND3)) ;

return 1;



Ok so maybe I am messing up R2 in how I assign it trying to set it to a 32 
bit value.   

I must bee missing a concept on how to get the LBBO working to read back 
what the user writes into the data ram.

On Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 2:09:27 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> Hi, check my comments inline.
> On Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 10:15:00 PM UTC+2, Neil Jubinville wrote:
>> Thx Charles, that was it.   I was treating the registers as application 
>> of dataram memory. 
>> In the assembly loop:  I did a :  * sbbo  r0, r0, 0 , 48*
>> and like magic my c pru memap dumped out values I have stuffed in some of 
>> the registers.   
>> see below
>> -------------------------------------
>> value R0 = 0
>>  value R1 = 65535
>> value R2 = 8192
>> value R3 = 16
>>  value R4 = 777
>> value R5 = 25
>> value R6 = -136853601
>>  value R7 = 2146680819
>> value R8 = 1
>> value R9 = -45491713
>>  value R10 = -89
>> value R11 = -1345356802
>> ------------------------------------
>> I do have a more basic question though about the value in R2 = 8192.   My 
>> understanding is the general purpose registers are 32 bit. 
>>  In my assembly I set 
>> *r2 =  0x0BEBC200   // *decimal 200,000,000  to reflect the core 
>> frequency.
>> however as you can see the R2 after the mem copy to dataram shows 8192.   
>> Why is it not reading 200,000,000 in R2 after the transfer?   
> Could you share your full source code? 
>> ---------
>> Also, another question.  Syntax wise the first *r0 *in the statement 
>> below 'should' have &r0 but I get unknown register error when compiling.   
>> If I leave out the & it works and the transfer does occur.   Is this a 
>> nuance of the gcc-pru compiler vs a direct pasm compile?
>> *sbbo  r0, r0, 0 , 48*
> Yes, the & is not needed for pru-gcc. But for the sake of compatibility 
> I'll make it optional with the next release.
>> Yet another question:  the second argument of *r0* reflects the starting 
>> address point in dataram.  I would have expected dataram as a free for all 
>> address space that I managed.   Is the reference of an Rn type syntax 
>> simply a convenience for addressing in dataram and dataram has the notion 
>> of its own register mapping?
> Dataram has no register mapping. It is simply memory. Consider the 
> following example:
>     ldi  r1, 101
>     ldi  r2, 64
>     sbbo r1, r2, 0, 4
> Converted to C syntax, it would look like:
>    unsigned int r1 = 101;
>    unsigned int *r2 = (void *)64;
>    r2[0] = r1;
>> <>
>> *Thx!  *
>> On Saturday, November 26, 2016 at 12:43:37 PM UTC-7, Charles Steinkuehler 
>> wrote:
>>> On 11/26/2016 1:33 PM, Neil Jubinville wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > Here is my basic understanding - Focusing on PRU0: 
>>> > 
>>> > Each PRU has 8K of  'dataram'  - This is where I expect  R1,R2,R3 ---- 
>>> R31 to be 
>>> > stored. *Is this true? I see many people changing the reference at 
>>> *0x0000_0n00, 
>>> > n = c24_blk_index[3:0],   do I need to set where the Rn's lay down in 
>>> memory? 
>>> NO 
>>> The data ram is what it ram.  The registers are what they 
>>> say...registers.  Registers are *NOT* data ram.  If you want the 
>>> register values to appear in memory, you have to write them out using 
>>> the SBBO instruction. 
>>> > Docs also state that the PRU 0 Data ram starts at *0x4a300000*; 
>>> > 
>>> >      int registerStart; 
>>> >      registerStart = *(int*)0x4a300000; 
>>> >      printf("--> R0 = %d" + registerStart); 
>>> > 
>>> > However I get a seg fault trying to print what is in R0 that way. 
>>>  That was more 
>>> > to just do a direct look see if possible and go around all the 
>>> interfaces. 
>>> 0x4a300000 is a physical address.  You can use that if you are 
>>> directly accessing memory (via /dev/mem, bus-mastering DMA, or 
>>> something that doesn't use an MMU like the PRU core).  If you try to 
>>> access a physical address from a standard application that has not 
>>> been mapped into your process memory space, the MMU will forbid access 
>>> and your program seg-faults. 
>>> To access the PRU memory in your application, use the address provided 
>>> to you by the prussdrv_map_prumem function. 
>>> -- 
>>> Charles Steinkuehler 

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