On Sat, 1/28/17, Rohit Ram <rohitra...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [beagleboard] flashing lights and failed installation on BBGW
 To: "BeagleBoard" <beagleboard@googlegroups.com>
 Cc: stephanechare...@gmail.com
 Date: Saturday, January 28, 2017, 3:40 AM
 Is there a way to stop wifidog from controlling those
 usr-leds. I've been trying to control them through
 bonescript, but they keep reverting to the wifidog scanning
 On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 1:18:27 PM UTC+10,
 RobertCNelson wrote:On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:02 PM,
 Stephane Charette
 <stephane...@gmail.com> wrote:
 > Trying to install BBGW-blank-debian-8.5-seeed-
 > onto a new BBGW.  Had problems, so I went out and
 bought a new micro SD card
 > and a new card reader just in case.
 > When I hold the boot button down as I plug in power, I
 get one of two
 > scenarios happening:
 > User LEDs #0 and 2 turn on, then lights 1 and 3 turn
 on, and back to #0 and
 > 2, then 1 and 3.  I've left it like that for over
 an hour thinking maybe
 > that was a new pattern.
 That's wifidog, scanning for wifi adapers...
 > All 4 LEDs turn on, then off, then on again, at the
 same rate as the normal
 > "heartbeat".  So blink twice, then 1/2
 second pause, and blink twice again.
 "flashing" failed...
 > User LED #0 (heartbeat) blinks maybe 3 or 4 times, then
 nothing else.  No
 > other activity.
 > Is there a page where the blink patterns are explained?
  If not, does
 > someone know where in the code to look so I can find
 the different blink
 > patterns and their explanation?
 Do you have a usb serial adapter?
 For "flashing" you are looking for the cylon
 Robert Nelson
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