On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Tracy Smith <tlsmith3...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok look this custom board is based on the BeagleBone Black. For all
> intense and purposes it is the BBB. The pins for the AM3358 are the same.
> The primary difference is no P9 expansion header. What you are suggesting
> below is exactly what I’m doing and why I have the questions I do because
> your CAN support will not work on our custom BeagleBone Black.
> Customers will use the BBB as a reference platform and will actually have
> to do pinmuxing. When I do mention custom board, you do ignore me. But you
> shouldn’t because not all companies that use the BBB as a reference
> platform will use the P9 expansion and they will want to have CAN support
> in the kernel even without the P9 expansion header. You don’t have to use
> the P9 and the overlay being used to support CAN0 and CAN1
> You seem to be limiting CAN support to those using the P9 expansion
> header?  Why is that? Does it allow for four or more CANS?
> Really appreciate the assistance and it has been and continues to be
> extremely helpful.
> What limitations or constraints are causing you to have to use the P9
> expansion header for CAN?  Knowing this help justify adding an expansion
> header to the design.
> I need to look closer at the overlay. But knowing these constraints could
> justify adding the P9 expansion header to our custom BBB board.
> Thx, Tracy

First, I am not affiliated with beagleboard.org, cicuitco or any other
organization related directly to the beaglebone, or beagleboard products.
Or anyone who sells said products. I am just your average community member,
whose been using the beaglebone products since it's release date

Second, I never said I was ignoring anyone.

Third, you're delving into territory that myself, and most others have not
gone into. So if someone does say they're ignoring you, it could very well
be that they have not done what you're doing, and do not want to give you
incorrect information.

Lastly, be more verbose with your information. Just saying "wont work for
us" doesn't tell us what the underlying problem is, or how to help you
solve your issue.

So . .. tell us EXACTLY what you've done, and EXACTLY the errors your
experiencing. Then perhaps, if you're verbose enough, someone on this list
can help you.

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