kernel 3.8.x 
Thanks for the effort for addressing this problem in advance.
The following assembler and python files concists of my code to measure 
frequencies on the respectiver ports P8_15 and P8_16 using PRU0. The only 
problem being the outout of one of those frequency measured is always 
fluctuatung by a large margin (does show the actual output sometimes). I 
agree with the fact that this code can handle frequency measurement at one 
ports flawlessly I have checked for overflow of memory assigned at the 
shared ram and I can confirm that the flaw in output is not due to the 
Any help would be appreseated.
Thank you.

The following code is assembler code I have been using-
.origin 0


#define CONST_PRUCFG         C4
#define PRU0_CTRL            0x22000
#define PRU1_CTRL            0x24000
#define CTPPR0               0x28
#define OWN_RAM              0x000
#define OTHER_RAM            0x020
#define SHARED_RAM           0x100

#define SECOND               200000000      // 2e8 5ns cycles
#define DELAY                  200      // 0.01 s
    lbco r0, CONST_PRUCFG, 4, 4          // Enable OCP master port
    clr  r0, r0, 4
    sbco r0, CONST_PRUCFG, 4, 4
    mov  r0, SHARED_RAM                  // Set C28 to point to shared RAM
    mov  r1, PRU0_CTRL + CTPPR0
    sbbo r0, r1, 0, 4

    mov  r2.w0, DELAY & 0xFFFF
    mov  r2.w2, DELAY >> 16 

    qbbc WAITLO, r31.t15

IGNORE:                              // Wait for 50 consecutive readings of 
    add  r0, r0, 2                     // 3 cycles per loop
    qbgt IGNORE, r0, r2

WAIT1:                                 // Continue counting while input is 
still 1
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbs WAIT1, r31.t15

WAIT2:                                 // Continue counting while input is 0
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbc WAIT2, r31.t15                // End count when input goes to 1

    sbco r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0, 4  // Write count to RAM
    MOV R31.b0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT+16   // Send notification to Host for 
program completion
    mov r0,0
    qbbc WAITLO1, r31.t14

IGNORE1:                              // Wait for 50 consecutive readings 
of 1
    add  r0, r0, 2                     // 3 cycles per loop
    qbgt IGNORE1, r0, r2

WAIT3:                                 // Continue counting while input is 
still 1
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbs WAIT3, r31.t14

WAIT4:                                 // Continue counting while input is 0
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbc WAIT4, r31.t14                // End count when input goes to 1

    sbco r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM,8 , 4  // Write count to RAM
    MOV R31.b0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT+16   // Send notification to Host for 
program completion
    mov  r0, 0
    jmp  IGNORE

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.origin 0


#define CONST_PRUCFG         C4
#define PRU0_CTRL            0x22000
#define PRU1_CTRL            0x24000
#define CTPPR0               0x28
#define OWN_RAM              0x000
#define OTHER_RAM            0x020
#define SHARED_RAM           0x100

#define SECOND               200000000      // 2e8 5ns cycles
#define DELAY                  200      // 0.01 s
    lbco r0, CONST_PRUCFG, 4, 4          // Enable OCP master port
    clr  r0, r0, 4
    sbco r0, CONST_PRUCFG, 4, 4
    mov  r0, SHARED_RAM                  // Set C28 to point to shared RAM
    mov  r1, PRU0_CTRL + CTPPR0
    sbbo r0, r1, 0, 4

    mov  r2.w0, DELAY & 0xFFFF
    mov  r2.w2, DELAY >> 16 

    qbbc WAITLO, r31.t15

IGNORE:                              // Wait for 50 consecutive readings of 1
    add  r0, r0, 2                     // 3 cycles per loop
    qbgt IGNORE, r0, r2

WAIT1:                                 // Continue counting while input is still 1
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbs WAIT1, r31.t15

WAIT2:                                 // Continue counting while input is 0
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbc WAIT2, r31.t15                // End count when input goes to 1

    sbco r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM, 0, 4  // Write count to RAM
    MOV R31.b0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT+16   // Send notification to Host for program completion
    mov r0,0
    qbbc WAITLO1, r31.t14

IGNORE1:                              // Wait for 50 consecutive readings of 1
    add  r0, r0, 2                     // 3 cycles per loop
    qbgt IGNORE1, r0, r2

WAIT3:                                 // Continue counting while input is still 1
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbs WAIT3, r31.t14

WAIT4:                                 // Continue counting while input is 0
    add  r0, r0, 2
    qbbc WAIT4, r31.t14                // End count when input goes to 1

    sbco r0, CONST_PRUSHAREDRAM,8 , 4  // Write count to RAM
    MOV R31.b0, PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT+16   // Send notification to Host for program completion
    mov  r0, 0
    jmp  IGNORE
# - gets rpm value

from __future__ import print_function

import pypruss
import os
import time
import mmap
import struct
from time import sleep

PRU_ICSS = 0x4A300000
START = 0x00010000
START1 =0x00010008

def readrpm():
    with open('/dev/mem', 'r+b') as m:
        mem = mmap.mmap( m.fileno(), 512*1024, offset=PRU_ICSS)

        valuestring = mem[START:START+4]
        value = struct.unpack('L', valuestring)[0]
        #long seconds
        seconds = value   # 5ns per cycle

        return seconds

def readrpm_2():
    with open('/dev/mem', 'r+b') as m:
        mem = mmap.mmap( m.fileno(), 512*1024, offset=PRU_ICSS)

        valuestring = mem[START1:START1+4]
        value = struct.unpack('L', valuestring)[0]
        #long seconds2
        seconds2 = value   # 5ns per cycle

        return seconds2

os.system("config-pin p8.15 pruin")
os.system("config-pin p8.16 pruin")

pypruss.modprobe()                                  # This only has to be called once pr boot
pypruss.init()                                      # Init the PRU                                     # Open PRU event 0 which is PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT
pypruss.pruintc_init()                              # Init the interrupt controller
pypruss.exec_program(0, "./FREQ-MSR-ASSEM.bin")                # Load firmware "blinkled.bin" on PRU 0

    while True:
        pypruss.wait_for_event(0)                           # Wait for event 0 which is connected to PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT
        seconds = readrpm()
        print("!1st channel starts here!")
        print (r'{} cycles'.format(seconds))
        print( r'{} seconds-1'.format(seconds*0.000000005) )
        frequency= (1/(seconds*0.000000005))
        print (r'{} Hz-1'.format(frequency))
        print("!2nd channel starts here!")
        pypruss.wait_for_event(0)                           # Wait for event 0 which is connected to PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT
        seconds2 = readrpm_2()
        print (r'{} cycles'.format(seconds2))
        print( r'{} seconds-2'.format(seconds2*0.000000005) )
        frequency= (1/(seconds2*0.000000005))
        print (r'{} Hz-2'.format(frequency))
        pypruss.clear_event(0)#,pypruss.PRU0_ARM_INTERRUPT)   # Clear the event

except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
    pypruss.pru_disable(0)                             # Disable PRU 0, this is already done by the firmware
    pypruss.exit()                                     # Exit, don't know what this does.

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