If you are using Debian stretch with BeagleBone Black at least some of the 
images include test code that will run automatically when a barcode scanner 
is plugged in. (this was interesting to troubleshoot, lol)
To my knowledge this was not present on any Debian 8.X LXQT images.
You will know this is happening when at bootup instead of LXQT desktop 
showing up you will see a test screen instead with various image test 
patterns on the screen.

The simple fix is to remove the beagle-tester app and the associated script 
that runs it. (note the sh script has some device tree examples that might 
be helpful to look at as examples)

#Remove beagle-tester so that barcode scanners can be used.
sudo rm /usr/sbin/beagle-tester
sudo rm /usr/sbin/beagle-tester-open.sh

There probably is a service or 2 that are related to this, but removing 
those 2 files is at least one way of solving the issue.


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