I have the wifi working on mine using the 4.14.55-bone16 kernel and the 
kernel drivers/firmware.   That said, I think there is an antenna issue or 
something.   I snagged an antenna off my BBGW and plugged into the little 
port and its still very picky about location.   Depending on where I move 
it around, it won't pick up the access point.   


On Thursday, August 9, 2018 at 6:01:54 PM UTC-4, uk...@pdx.edu wrote:
> (I posted this before, but I wasn't a member of the group then, so I 
> deleted that post, joined the group, and am posting this again. Apologies 
> if this is seen as spam.)
> Hello,
> This post is actually with regards to the SanCloud BeagleBone Enhanced, 
> but there doesn't seem to be a specific forum for that board, so I'm 
> posting to its closest relative, the BeagleBone Black.
> I've been having trouble getting Internet to my BeagleBone, which is 
> running the latest image (Debian 9.4 2018-06-17 4GB SD IoT). Please note 
> that the WiFi card installed on this board simply does not work, as far as 
> I know, so that's not an option. I can get Internet if I simply attach it 
> via Ethernet directly to my router, but that is not ideal since I move 
> locations a fair amount. Ideally, I need to share my laptop's WiFi 
> connection to the BeagleBone, either over USB or Ethernet. (My laptop runs 
> Ubuntu 18.04)
> One major roadblock is that the web server (not sure if that's the 
> appropriate term) doesn't seem to boot up correctly when the board is 
> powered on and connected to my laptop. I get a notification on my laptop 
> that says "Network activation failed" or something to that effect, which is 
> usually accompanied by my desktop (GNOME) crashing and restarting. 
> Afterwards, the classic doesn't work. Can't SSH in, and 
> visiting on my laptop's browser returns a timeout. The only way 
> I can actually get into the BeagleBone is by using screen and going into 
> /dev/ttyACM0. And ifconfig on my laptop shows that the BeagleBone has some 
> incredibly long and weird registered name, not the eth[#] that it usually 
> is.
> That's the first problem. The second problem is that I'm not sure how to 
> share my laptop's Internet connection, since I'm pretty new to Linux. I've 
> tried following this 
> <https://elementztechblog.wordpress.com/2014/12/22/sharing-internet-using-network-over-usb-in-beaglebone-black/>
> guide, but that doesn't work, and various futzing around with sharing over 
> Ethernet in nm-connection-editor doesn't work either. I'm assuming that the 
> fundamental problem here is the first thing I described -- the failure of 
> the BeagleBone's web server -- which in turn is causing these auxiliary 
> failures with my Internet sharing.
> Anyone have similar issues or have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for 
> any responses!

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