On the Black I run:

bone$ *config-pin -q P9_14*
P9_14 Mode: gpio Direction: out Value: 1

But on the BB Green Wireless I get:

bone$ *config-pin -q P9_14*
P9_14 pinmux file not found!
Pin has no cape: P9_14

What's the difference here?  How do I get the pin mux to work the same on 
the Green and Black?


bone$ *cat /etc/dogtag *
BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2018-07-29
bone$ *uname -a*
Linux beaglebone 4.14.58-ti-r65 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 28 00:05:15 UTC 2018 
armv7l GNU/Linux

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