Am 12.03.19 um 16:43 schrieb

i wrote a PRU Programm where i read some Sensors and calculate something. Then i save the Data in the shared RAM.

But how can i read the memory from the ARM? is it possible to read it from an c programm or shell? edit: i programm the PRU with this method:

Greetings Marcus

That is experimental code I have not seen for some months (must first do the hardware)

It shows how to mmap the PRU / shared ram into the ARM memory space and dump the contents to files.

The dumps are somewhat annotated with the data structures I use.

This is ad hoc ripped from the source files, not intended to be compiled as it is.

#include <sys/types.h>        /* type definitions used by many programs */
#include <stdio.h>            /* standard IO functions */
#include <stdlib.h>            /* commonly used functions, EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE */
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include "ltcsrv.h"        /* for panic() */
#include "pru_if.h"        /* to enforce consistency with .c */

#include "cmnd_stat_codes.h"

#define ADC_BUFFER_SIZE    (16*1024)

int                dev_mem_fd;
volatile int    *shared_ram;
volatile int    *pru_ram;            // the 8 KB local data = 2 KWORDS
int                adc_buffer[ADC_BUFFER_SIZE];
int                cmnd_to_send;

int open_pru(){

    int i;

    //if (verbose) printf("enter open_pru()\n");
    if (init_cpld_pins()) return 1;

    //if(verbose) printf("starting pru 0\n");
//    if (!start_pru()) return 1;
//    printf("sleeping 1 s\n");
//    sleep(1);

    // map the shared ram into our virtual memory
    dev_mem_fd = open("/dev/mem",O_RDWR | O_SYNC);

    // mmap params:
    // addres where the kernel creates the mapping. NULL= do as you like
    // size of the mapped region  12288 = 12 KBytes
    // protection
    // flags
    // file descriptor von /dev/mem
    // pru-base  = 0x4A30_0000, shared ram starts at +0x10000
    shared_ram = (int *) mmap(NULL, 12*1024, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                dev_mem_fd, 0x4A300000 + 0x10000);
    if (-1 == (int)shared_ram) panic("could not mmap() shared PRU ram");

    // both PRU local data rams together
    pru_ram = (int *) mmap(NULL, 2*8*1024, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
                dev_mem_fd, 0x4A300000 + 0x00000);
    if (-1 == (int)pru_ram) panic("could not mmap() local PRU rams");

    for (i=0; i< ADC_BUFFER_SIZE; i++){   // 12 KB are 3 Kwords
        adc_buffer[i] = 0;

    return 0;

int close_pru(void){
    // FIXME: shared RAM must be un-mapped and file descriptors should be closed
    if (verbose) printf("enter close_pru()\n");
//    if (!stop_pru()) return 1;
    if (verbose) printf("leaving close_pru()\n");
    return 0;

void copy_shared_ram_to_file(char *fn){

    FILE * phyle;
    int i, j;

    phyle = fopen(fn, "w");        // FIXME return value
    fprintf(phyle, "%s\n", fn);
    fprintf(phyle, "byte index dec byte index hex  word index content\n\n");
    for (i=0; i< 3*1024; i++){   // 12 KB are 3 Kwords
        fprintf(phyle, "\n%12d   %8x   %8x  = 0x%8x    %12d", 4*i, 4*i, i, shared_ram[i], shared_ram[i]);
            case 0:                fprintf(phyle, "  unused"); break;
            case COMMAND:        fprintf(phyle, "  command"); break;
            case STATUS:        fprintf(phyle, "  status"); break;
            case PARAM1:        fprintf(phyle, "  param1"); break;
            case PARAM2:        fprintf(phyle, "  param2"); break;
            case PARAM3:        fprintf(phyle, "  param3"); break;
            case TEST1:            fprintf(phyle, "  test1"); break;
            case TEST2:            fprintf(phyle, "  test2"); break;
            case TEST3:            fprintf(phyle, "  test3"); break;
            case PING_FULL:        fprintf(phyle, "  ping_full"); break;
            case PONG_FULL:        fprintf(phyle, "  pong_full"); break;
            case PING:            fprintf(phyle, "  ping buffer start"); break;             case PONG:            fprintf(phyle, "  pong buffer start"); break;
    fclose(phyle);      // FIXME return value

// thats for all the  2*8 KBytes
void copy_pru_ram_to_file(char *fn){

    FILE * phyle;
    int i, j;

    phyle = fopen(fn, "w");        // FIXME return value
    fprintf(phyle, "%s\n", fn);
    fprintf(phyle, "byte index  word index  content   all hex\n\n");
    fprintf(phyle, "stack lowest and data nil pointer\n");

    for (i=0; i< 4*1024; i++){   // 2 * 8 KB are 4 Kwords

        if      (0x100/4 == i)    { fprintf(phyle, "\nstack highest - heap lowest\n"); }
        else if (0x200/4 == i)    { fprintf(phyle, "\nheap highest\n"); }

        fprintf(phyle, "%8x   %8x = %8x\n", 4*i, i, pru_ram[i]);

    fclose(phyle);      // FIXME return value

hope it helps somewhat.



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