On 20/1/20 7:31 am, Josiah Akinloye wrote:
> Hi everyone... please i have tried the method for the IP forwarding from my
> sim module to the BB to be able to be us as Hotspot(WiFi) but going through
> the fore given process,

What steps did you follow?  You've quoted my email in it's entirety then
top-posted yet more begging "please make it work".  Computers don't
respond to religion.

You're dealing with the Technology Genie here: he'll grant you unlimited
wishes, *BUT* expects you get to understand him in return.  If you don't
want to do that, pay someone who already does understand him.

> i realize that only WhatsApp Instant Messaging App
> is going... Other browser(Google chrome, Mozilla) are not going.

What about the `wget` command I suggested?  What was its output?  Or are
you just going to ignore our questions and hope we can magically solve
it for you?

I lost my crystal ball in the 2011 Brisbane floods.

> i am
> thinking maybe its because of the protocol used by WhatsApp thats why its
> going through.

… which is why I suggested doing some lower-level checks.

Think of the OSI model, check…
- physical layer (e.g. cable connections, radio settings)
- data link layer (e.g. VLANs, LACP, SSIDs, crypto settings)
- network layer (e.g. IP addresses, routes)
- application layer (e.g. DNS)

You're starting from the presentation layer (web browser, WhatsApp) and
working down.  You can't debug a network that way!

> Please i need assistance on this. How can i make it work
> swiftly and allow it to be compatible with any device and any APP.

Then answer our questions.  We cannot read minds.

> Any one who have done this before should be of help
Not done it with the exact hardware combination you're talking of, but
I've done it many times before on various systems including:
- dial-up modems on a standard x86 machines running Linux
- ADSL(v2) modems with PPPoE and standard x86 machines running Linux
- 3G/LTE with various systems (including MIPS and ARM) on Linux

Once you get the "router" (the thing the modem/module plugs into) onto
the Internet, making it accessible to a network behind it is not rocket
science, and actually hasn't changed much since Linux kernel 2.4 (5.x
still uses `iptables`).
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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