
Do not fret over this question. I will most likely erase it b/c:

   1. I cannot get tensorflow on the BBB (most likely b/c the gpu support 
   is not there and the cpu support for it is neither there nor here)...
   2. Also...I came across a promising github repo. I failed at it b/c of 
   my laziness and not wanting to put Bazel on my dev. desktop.
   3. Just forget I typed this message.


On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 4:24:12 PM UTC-5, Mala Dies wrote:
> Hello,
> I know people are working on specific tasks now that I am unaware of 
> currently. 
> W/ that said, I would like to try to gather some info.
>    - Are people currently working w/ TIDL?
>    - Are bbb'ers working w/ Tensorflow?
>    - Are other developers working w/ KERAS w/ a backend of Tensorflow 
>    currently?
> I am asking b/c I have been unable to install tensorflow 1.15 so far. 
> I was able to get keras installed. I am working on getting TIDL cloned now 
> to work w/ it.
> I see there are more advancements in these three libraries than many of 
> them currently.
> ...
> It seems people are putting forth effort to make these libraries work w/ 
> Debian Linux Distros.
> Anyway, if you are bored from doing things too much these days, do please 
> try to reply.
> Seth
> P.S. Just for reference, KERAS from keras.io is on my board, I have 
> tensorflow 0.1 somehow, and I just cloned TIDL. "Starting out again!"

On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 4:24:12 PM UTC-5, Mala Dies wrote:
> Hello,
> I know people are working on specific tasks now that I am unaware of 
> currently. 
> W/ that said, I would like to try to gather some info.
>    - Are people currently working w/ TIDL?
>    - Are bbb'ers working w/ Tensorflow?
>    - Are other developers working w/ KERAS w/ a backend of Tensorflow 
>    currently?
> I am asking b/c I have been unable to install tensorflow 1.15 so far. 
> I was able to get keras installed. I am working on getting TIDL cloned now 
> to work w/ it.
> I see there are more advancements in these three libraries than many of 
> them currently.
> ...
> It seems people are putting forth effort to make these libraries work w/ 
> Debian Linux Distros.
> Anyway, if you are bored from doing things too much these days, do please 
> try to reply.
> Seth
> P.S. Just for reference, KERAS from keras.io is on my board, I have 
> tensorflow 0.1 somehow, and I just cloned TIDL. "Starting out again!"

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