Hi Kevin,

On Thursday, 16 July 2020 04:31:40 UTC+3, Kevin Hudson wrote:
> I am working on a project that uses the Beagleboard X15 as the hardware 
> platform.  My task is to write a GUI that runs on the X15 using Microsoft 
> Visual Studio 2017.  Do you know of any example project code that is 
> available anywhere that I can use to get started and as a reference?  Thank 
> you for your help.

Note that from an application developer's perspective the wildly popular 
Raspberry Pi and the Beagles are mostly the same platform - a Debian 
GNU/Linux system on armhf architecture. You can use this to your advantage 
to google for something like "cross develop raspberry on windows" which 
will bring up quite a few more articles than searching for beagle-specific 

Visual Studio is a great tool for developing against x86/Windows targets. 
If you're developing with VS against a ARM/Linux target using third-party 
GUI libraries, it's probably possible (according to some articles Google 
spit out) but setting up cross-development GUI libraries is going to be a 
bit of a pain, I suspect. You could also take a more traditional cross 
platform approach, which involves setting up a GNU gcc toolchain from 
linaro with your favourite editor/IDE and required GUI dependencies. 
Haven't done either, though, so can't offer solid advice.

An alternative with much less set-up effort - you can write, compile and 
run code of almost any language and GUI framework directly on the 
Beagleboard itself, especially if the project is small. Just install 
package 'build-essential' (assuming we're talking about a C/C++ 
application), the development packages for your chosen GUI framework (e.g. 
'qtbase5-dev' for QT) and your favourite Linux editor/IDE. 

Kind regards,

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