On Wed, 12 Aug 2020 16:00:14 -0700 (PDT), in
gmane.comp.hardware.beagleboard.user TJF
<jeli.freiherr-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> wrote:

>I forgot to mention that the modified file doesn't work in python2 any more:
>src/test$ python 1.py
>>   File "1.py", line 32
>>     print("%4X" % AdcV[i], end=" ") #        output one channel in hex
>>                               ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
        Without looking at the original source, I predict you were using

                print "%4X" % AdcV[i] ,

where the trailing comma suppressed the automatic new-line of "print" and
just left a trailing space. Try replacing that line with

                sys.stdout.write("%4X " % AdcV[i])

        I've moved the space separator into the "..." format string. 

        .write() doesn't add line terminators, they are all up to the coder to
put in.

        Personally -- I'd probably replace all the "print" calls with
equivalent sys.stdout.write() (inserting the proper line ending \n where
needed). For "deliverable" packages I tend to save "print" for
development/debug tracing information -- one can easily identify what is to
be removed when delivering the package.

Dennis L Bieber

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