Hi Robert,
Seeed have not open sourced the board or software so I don't have any 
schematic, and in my excitement to find the standard image booting  I flash 
it to the emmc with out working how to back it up first, so no default 
image for me (for now, if I get this to work, the unit fits my needs 
perfectly and I'll be getting more and more chance to get the default 

My next challenge is to get the LoRa card working (top mPCIe connect on the 
side with the two mPCIe connetors). What I know is that the card is a 
RAK2247 SPI Concentrator module and I need to be able to drive pin 22 of 
the mPCIe to reset the card.

So I need to find the SPI bus that it is connected to, any Ideas?
I was thinking of finding/designing a mPCIe proto board and looping the rx 
and tx and doing some echo test. But the only one I can find with google 
but that will end up costing me around $150USD by time I got it shipped to 
me. On the other hand seeed are able to make and ship to me 10 units for 
under $30USD, so just need to R&D (ripoff and deploy) a design and get in 

Then I need to work out what GPIO is driving PIN 22 of the LoRa mPCIe 
connector maybe to dtbo can give us some clues, I managed to decompile it 
with dtc (don't know if I did it correctly) and am still working out what 
it all means. But I am guessing it just the setup of all the pins, but how 
to drive them and what I'm going to let the smoke out of if I do is another 
question. But my current idea here is to drive the pins one by one till I 
see a change at PIN22 on the LoRa mPCIe connector (proto board would help 
here to, as well as some educated guessing).

dtbo and decompiled dts  attached

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