I'm using " amixer set Speaker 100%" to turn the volume all the way up, but 
the sound level coming out of my mini-speaker (via USB sound adapter) is 
barely a whisper - but it is definitely audible. Do I just need a bigger 
speaker? Lower Ohms? Different "amixer" settings?

Anyway, here is a link to the audio adapter:


and here is a link to the mini-speaker.


Here is the output of the "amixer" commands:

debian@beaglebone:/var/lib/cloud9$ amixer set Speaker 100%                 
Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 37
  Front Left: Playback 37 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 37 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]

debian@beaglebone:/var/lib/cloud9$ amixer
Simple mixer control 'Speaker',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 37
  Front Left: Playback 37 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 37 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined cvolume cvolume-joined pswitch 
pswitch-joined cswitch cswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Capture channels: Mono
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31 Capture 0 - 35
  Mono: Playback 16 [52%] [-7.00dB] [off] Capture 20 [57%] [8.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'Auto Gain Control',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]

debian@beaglebone:/var/lib/cloud9$ aplay 
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit 
Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono

The result is a barely audible female voice saying "front center".

Any help/guidance will be greatly appreciated !!!

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