Hi Mark, 

Thanks a lot for the updates. I went through the SDK documents and I 
actually got a lot inspiration. Thanks for that. 
I bought an TMDSEMU110-U for debugging. That is recommended from TI 
tutorials of PRU debugging: PRU is connected with TMDSEMU110-U and then to 
the laptop. Is that how you debugged with JTAG ? I feel this approach is a 
little cumbersome since I need to set up a lot of environments manually. 
But it worked, so I just put up with it for now. 
I think both SDK and Beaglebone has a lot of interesting stuffs worth being 
explored. Appreciate your help!

在2021年5月8日星期六 UTC-4 下午7:52:41<lazarman> 写道:

> Hello Cheng
> I learned a few things this weekend I thought I would share
> The PRU  Labs examples 1 to 3 can be loaded with CCS and JTAG from Windows 
> 10 
> You can even debug both PRU0 and PRU1 at the same time examine memory and 
> use HW  uart debug to speed up development
> The RPMSG example LAB  must be loaded by the linux or TI RTOS drivers 
> running on ARM side
> I have win 7 and Windows 10 CCS/JTAG installations working one  a 
> Beaglebone White and the other AM335X SK 
> BBB is also supported 
> My Last step is building the SDK  linux kernel from scratch  with rproc 
> kernel modules loaded  from a VirtualBox Ubuntu VM on Win 7
> The Linux  SDK has binaries for the ARM side *so a  Native Linux BOX is 
> NOT REQUIRED(but recommended )*
> *CCS DOES NOT require linux to load and debug PRU *
> For those that want to learn ARM TI RTOS Win 10 is required to build
> The SDK documents I saved as the wiki is disappearing are awesome I found 
> some very detailed PRU documentation that talks about everything from 
> running TI PRU firmware On PRU ICCS for complex Industrial protocols as 
> well a custom PRU code
> The facts about clock cycles also were discussed. All of it in can be 
> found by following the documentation tar ball I sent I you.
> I think too many people panic dont want to run SDK Linux or use CCS /JTAG 
> dont read through all the documents as they dont want to go that route.
> Thats fine but the basic fundamentals of the whole SOC are then missed 
> leading to confusion 
> The SDK has done an excellent job of documenting this unfortunately unless 
> your actually using the SDK all of this is hidden and I guess they are 
> taking down some wikis so kind of sad this data will be lost.
> The approach in this group is wonderful especially for Linux App types 
> that don't care about details
>  they just want a working kernel and actually making one script to build 
> linux makes sense as supporting keystroke errors and inability to read docs 
> in a chronological orderly way would be a nightmare.
> So in summary In my humble Opinion if your goal is writing Linux apps on a 
> open source board the SDK probally is NOT for you.
> If your goal is barebones, TI  RTOS , board bring up, custom hardware , 
> DSP programming Cortex M4 programming , advanced PRU apps or learning or 
> adding Linux Device drivers the SDK is a great asset.
> Mark
> On Thursday, May 6, 2021, 05:28:39 PM CDT, Cheng Chen <chen...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> Hi Walter, 
> Sorry for the late reply. 
> The most important part I modified for TI's makefile is to make sure that 
> the firmware is loaded into remoteproc1. I basically replaced the loading 
> procedure in the shell script with Molly's version which I attached below. 
> I also added the entire include file and modified some of the constants and 
> variable names in the c code because compiler reports errors of 
> unrecognized header file and variables. But except those, it runs pretty 
> well. 
> start:
> ifneq ($(PRU_DIR),)
> @echo write_init_pins.sh
> @$(COMMON)/write_init_pins.sh /lib/firmware/$(CHIP)-pru$(PRUN)-fw
> @echo "-    Starting PRU $(PRUN)"
> @echo start > $(PRU_DIR)/state
> else ifeq ($(PROC),tidl)
> ti-mct-heap-check -c
> sudo mjpg_streamer -i "input_opencv.so -r 640x480 -d /dev/$(shell fgrep -v 
> vpe /sys/class/video4linux/video*/name | perl -ne '/\/(video\d+)\/name/ && 
> print $$1') \
> --filter ./$(TARGET)$(EXE)" -o "output_http.so -p 8090 -w 
> /usr/share/mjpg-streamer/www"
> else
> ./$(TARGET)$(EXE)
> endif
> Regards,
> Cheng
> Walter Cromer <wal...@edenconceptsllc.com> 于2021年5月4日周二 下午4:02写道:
> I am glad to have helped a little bit.   Stick with it.  When it clicks 
> and you start really moving forward I think you'll be pleased.
> Can you share the changes to the Makefile that you made?  I'm curious if 
> it might help me.
> Right now I am reading the ADC every 2.7ms.  I'm reading three channels.  
> I include the step id too and check that.  I am using switch-case to check 
> the step and put the analog input into the right variable in my code.   It 
> might be slighter faster with an if-elseif but I like the neatness of the 
> switch-case and until it causes me timing problems, I'm sticking with it.
> I am also fairly certain the ADC can be read faster.  I have the ADC in 
> one-shot mode and delay before I kick it off again.   I've also run this 
> with no averaging, 4 averages, and 16 averages and it makes very little 
> difference in timing for me.
> Walter
> On Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 11:33:51 AM UTC-4 chen...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Walter, 
> Thank you so much for the reply. I think my setup is exactly the same as 
> what you have (win10 and BBB wireless). That really motivated me to see 
> somebody else successfully run the system with the same setup. 
> I actually made some preliminary progress after two nights brooding and I 
> am able to read out ADC data through rpmsg. Thanks a lot for your tips. 
> I think the problem is still in the makefile and environment. As you 
> mentioned, you are using makefile from PRUcookbook while I started off with 
> TI's built-in makefile.  I believe there is a couple of slight difference 
> between Debian system and TI SDK environment which turns out to be critical 
> in compiling. I carefully compared the difference between two makefiles and 
> created one which is close to the makefile in the PRUcookbook. That works 
> like a charm. 
> Next step I also want to explore precise timing and see how fast the adc 
> can run. May I ask what is the speed you are reading out from ADC? 
> Regards,
> Cheng
> 在2021年5月3日星期一 UTC-4 上午11:24:23<wal...@edenconceptsllc.com> 写道:
> I just went through this pain and the people in this group were awesome 
> help.
> I needed to read three analog inputs and it was a bear but once I got it, 
> it has been going well.
> You don't mention the OS of your development platform or I may have missed 
> it.  I'm on a Windows 10 box and using a BBB Wireless.  TI's entire 
> learning system for this expects a Linux development platform so it's not 
> as useful as it could be if you are on Windows.  I didn't want to go to the 
> trouble of even bringing up a virtual Linux on my Windows box for this.  I 
> did install Code Composer Studio (CCS) from TI, but gave up on it.  There's 
> no easy way to transfer your compiled firmware to the BBB from within it 
> according to TI.   So I just do everything on the Beagle and it meets my 
> needs.
> I use the cloud9 IDE that ships with the BeagleBones for coding both the 
> ARM and PRU code.  This environment compiles the ARM-side code and executes 
> it just like any normal host (aka Linux, aka ARM) program just fine.  
>  However, to compile the PRU code and load it I go over to a PUTTY session 
> and use the make files from Mark Yoders' PRU Cookbook (
> https://markayoder.github.io/PRUCookbook/) .  My process is clunky but my 
> programs aren't huge or extremely complex (yet) and this works for me.  I 
> don't have and don't want to invest in a debug probe so debugging the PRU 
> code can be a pain and slow.  The only option really is to use RPMsg almost 
> like printf to send messages back at key points in the PRU code to let me 
> know where it is executing and what's happening.  (Purists and more 
> advanced developers are barfing and laughing at me right now I am sure.)  
> I strongly encourage you to get the Technical Reference Manual for the TI 
> ARM335x and specifically spend time with the Touchscreen Controller 
> chapter.  If you need precise timing, you'll want to spend time in the 
> Industrial Ethernet Peripheral chapter too.   These are powerful tools once 
> you understand them.
> Also, get the PRU Optimizing C/C++ Compiler manual from TI and go through 
> it.  One thing that really tripped me up was their implementation of the 
> __far keyword.   GCC doesn't recognize that and I didn't understand what 
> was going on at first.  
> As Mark commented, some people encourage using remoteproc, some encourage 
> using libpruio and some still use the uio. TI supports remoteproc and I 
> expect them to be around so I went with remoteproc.  It may have its 
> drawbacks but it is working just fine for me.  I can't comment on the other 
> two as I have not tried them.   Also, I've found the TI E2E forum's 
> moderators to be patient with me as a neophyte.   But the Google group's 
> members do have wider experience.
> FYI - watch out for how TI puts some register settings that cross nibble 
> or byte boundaries.  It can really bite you!  Take a look at the 
> STEPCONFIGn registers implementation of averaging to see what I mean.
> I hope this helps!
> On Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 12:46:03 PM UTC-4 lazarman wrote:
> <<<My first intention is to post in TI E2E support forums 
> <https://e2e.ti.com/>, but it requires a company email to do so. 
> Hello Cheng 
> I want to Help you  but it appears my message is lost in translation
> What it sounds like to me  is TI pays these engineers $$ to answer 
> questions and does not want to waste time and $$$ with users that dont 
> follow their well written instructions *which say use SDK Yocto Linux on 
> the ARM for this example.*
> For me I start with a working example with instructions and documentation 
> then modifyit
> If I undertsand correctly you have *never* had an example working
> If you like breaking examples and working on projects that ONLY works from 
> a unix script and hides all the details then this is the correct group to 
> to ask questions (-:
> I suggest you try the example *you found*  following the intructions 
> exactly.  if you cant or wont do that switch to DEbian/Cookbook
> But if you do the latter I suggest don't change things follow the 
> instructions
> What is interesting is a Linux C application program should work correctly 
> if it was coded generic especially when both Linux variants are for the 
> same chip. Trying to figure out what is different between Linux variants to 
> me is not productive its not my focus for you maybe it is.
> Perhaps the Linux in the SDK was configured differently which implies it 
> handle PRU slightly different Im not surprised by this.
> Perhaps you can find what's different that may be a valid approach that 
> works for you and maybe someone can help. I think Dennis gave you a good 
> clue.
> I will watch the thread hopefully I can be of help should you choose to 
> follow the path E2E and the SDK layed out for you
> Cheers
> On Friday, April 30, 2021, 07:52:09 PM CDT, Cheng Chen <chen...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> Hey Mark, 
> Thanks for spending time for replying. I really appreciate it. 
> I totally agree with you that one should spend time investigating first. I 
> apologize if they are dumb questions, but I have stuck there for two weeks. 
> I am more a circuit guy and just started picking up Beaglebone as a hobby 
> and potential career expansion. 
> My first intention is to post in TI E2E support forums 
> <https://e2e.ti.com/>, but it requires a company email to do so. If this 
> particular .org is not a good place for rookie questions, would you please 
> advise some place for suitable for discussion?
> Regarding to the documents, are you referring to processor SDK Linux 
> Software Developer's guide? If that is the one, I did follow its 
> instructions, but maybe I missed something. I will go over it again. If 
> that's not the one, which document are you referring to? I also went 
> through PRUcookbook and Exploring BeagleBone by Derek Molly. Not a lot are 
> mentioned regarding this topic. 
> The code is built-in in the Beaglebone Black, this is one of the reasons I 
> am confused why it cannot be compiled. One can also download freely from TI 
> github (
> https://git.ti.com/cgit/pru-software-support-package/pru-software-support-package/
> ). 
> Again thanks for the advice and suggestion. I am very glad that there is 
> such a nice place that I can call for help and I hope after some practice I 
> am also able to contribute here. 
> Regards,
> Cheng
> 在2021年4月30日星期五 UTC-4 下午5:09:01<lazarman> 写道:
> Hello 
> I know the code. It's all explained in the SDK documention. I also like 
> these examples.
> Your asking questions about an SDK that's supported by Texas Instruments. 
> You do understand this .org group you posted in may contain TI employees 
> but is NOT TI support it's Beagle board Debian.
>  I think if you read the documents you will understand the answers
>  I'm sure you could compile this with some work the sdk instructions talk 
> about This. 
> Hypothetical question ❓
> If the instructions told you a virtual box build was not supported and not 
> recommended would you use one anyway and then ask the person who told you 
> not too do this why it doesn't work.
> I'm struggling to be nice in this reply.
>  I remember asking questions as a young engineer that clearly showed I 
> made zero effort to research anything.
> Then one day I got some really critical replies about my skills.
> Do some reading then if stuck ask questions
> Or better yet follow what the sdk instructions suggest.
> If you found this code  on internet and don't have a TI account or are not 
> eligible for ITAR restrictions to download the sdk  you have a big problem.
> I see you have a Gmail account
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
> <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature>
> On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 3:09 PM, Cheng Chen
> <chen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I am practicing PRU skills through some TI examples. I am playing with 
> PRU_ADC_onChip 
> <https://git.ti.com/cgit/pru-software-support-package/pru-software-support-package/tree/examples/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip?h=master>example
> and ran into a few questions. I wonder if you can help me with. 
> The nice thing about this example is it has a README.txt with all the 
> procedures. The idea is to use rpmsg to communicate between arm and pru 
> module and read out ADC value. 
> I am using a Beaglebone Black wireless.
> Here is the basic procedures.
>   |
>   |--pru_adc_firmware.c firmware loaded into PRU0
>   |
>   |--pru_adc_userspace
>        |--pru_adc_userspace.c userspace code that interacts with PRU0
> $ cd <PATH_TO_PRU_SW_SUPPORT_PACKAGE>/examples/am335x/PRU_ADC_onChip/
> $ make clean
> $ make
> $ cd pru_adc_userspace/
> $ make clean
> $ make
> My BBB wireless can compile pru code successfully because I installed 
> PRU_CGT compiler. But it is unable to compile ARM code. I think that is 
> because ARM_CCT cross-compiler toochain environment is missing, in another 
> word, I need to install processor-sdk-am335x
> My first questions is can I install processor-sdk-am335x  into Debian 
> system I currently have (Linux beaglebone 4.19.94-ti-r62 ) ? I am a little 
> confused about the relationship between this SDK and Debian system. Why is 
> the tutorial asking me to compile  pru_adc_userspace.c  in the Beaglebone. 
> I thought it is supposed to be executed in a cross-compilation environment.
> I ended up installing processor-sdk-am335x on my linux desktop and 
> compiled successfully. Then I copied the generated file back to BBB 
> wireless. But when I tried to run the program, it shows the following 
> error. 
> Reading voltage at ADC Channel: 5
> /dev/rpmsg_pru30 could not be opened.
> Trying to initialize PRU using sysfs interface.
> ERROR: Could not open /dev/rpmsg_pru30
> Attached is the excerpt where the problem happened. Could anyone help me 
> with some hints of what is going on here? Much appreciated. 
> struct shared_struct message;
> /* use character device /dev/rpmsg_pru30 */
> char outputFilename[] = "/dev/rpmsg_pru30";
> /* test that /dev/rpmsg_pru30 exists */
> FILE *ofp;
> uint16_t returnedVoltage;
> ofp = fopen(outputFilename, "r");
> if (ofp == NULL) {
> printf("/dev/rpmsg_pru30 could not be opened. \n");
> printf("Trying to initialize PRU using sysfs interface.\n");
> FILE *sysfs_node;
> char firmware[] = "/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc1/firmware";
> char firmwareName[] = "PRU_ADC_onChip.out";
> sysfs_node = fopen(firmware, "r+");
> if (sysfs_node == NULL) {
> printf("cannot open firmware sysfs_node");
> return EXIT_FAILURE;
> }
> fwrite(&firmwareName, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(firmwareName),
> sysfs_node);
> fclose(sysfs_node);
> char pruState[] = "/sys/class/remoteproc/remoteproc1/state";
> char start[] = "start";
> sysfs_node = fopen(pruState, "r+");
> if (sysfs_node == NULL) {
> printf("cannot open state sysfs_node");
> return EXIT_FAILURE;
> }
> fwrite(&start, sizeof(uint8_t), sizeof(start), sysfs_node);
> fclose(sysfs_node);
> /* give RPMSG time to initialize */
> sleep(3);
> ofp = fopen(outputFilename, "r");
> if (ofp == NULL) {
> printf("ERROR: Could not open /dev/rpmsg_pru30\n");
> }
> }
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