2018-03-27 20:52:48 Martin Blais <bl...@furius.ca>:
> That's unfair. The fact that you're unfamiliar with it doesn't mean it's a 
> pain.
> Perhaps it's a pain for you now, but imagine the pains of a Mercurial user 
> wrangling some of the crazy problems which
> occur frequently with Git (much worse).
> I'm not going to once again go over the technical reasons for this, but 
> Mercurial is in many ways a success over Git,
> which is why some of the larger integrations have chosen it over Git (e.g. 
> look at what Facebook has done, and I'm
> aware of other such large integrations and have discussed the details with 
> some of the developers carrying them out at
> a conference, they're convincing technical reasons). Don't let your OSS 
> perspective skew your vision. Github might be
> more popular, but so was VHS.

I am not trying to start a flame war, but I would like to point out that
choosing a popular tool/platform attracts more developers.

A friend of mine lives in Canada and often jokes about the mandatory
French usage in Canada when chatting with me. Say, if the lead developer
of an OSS is from Québec and believes that French is better than
English when coding, writing commit messages and discussing in mailing
list -- this project may not get as much contributors as another project
which chooses English as the main language.

I am not judging which language (English vs. French) is better, nor am I
going to say Git is better than Mercurial. I just would like to point
out: **if** we move the project to a popular tool/platform, the project
may attract more contributors. Even if the tool/platform may be
obsolete like VHS in the future, it is popular right now, isn't it?

Just my humble 0.02 Canadian Dollars.

Zhuoyun Wei

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