Lots of strange things to figure out indeed, and to some extent, one of the
reasons for the method is to bring those up to your attention, ideally soon

I think if the error is not reflected in the balance I'd probably just
comment it out and move on.
If it is, like you I'd call - I'm one of those annoying people calling
financial institutions with strange and sometimes too detailed questions -
or find a way to categorize to a special account.

On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 4:39 PM fin <f...@anthive.com> wrote:

>   This is strange to me for sure.
>   I have printed statements and pdf files and then I have
> a csv file which has a transaction on a specific date but
> that does not appear on either the statement or the pdf
> version.
>   Of course I don't know how to account for this since I'm
> rather new to the whole idea of double entry accounting
> but also I now have to call up the financial institution
> and ask them for more details as to why it is there and
> what it means and perhaps they can give me a clue as to
> where it came from or if it is just a mistake that happened
> later and was somehow fixed some other place and I can
> ignore it (likely since it was a long enough time ago
> that I won't get a correction but also it was long enough
> ago I have no memory of that time frame or if I deposited
> the money or what).
>   Anyways, it was an odd amount of money for me to deposit
> if I really did that (I have no receipt for it).
>   So what do you do?  Set up a special Error Account?
>   For the moment I put a note on it and also commented it
> out so it doesn't mess up any further attempts at comparing
> the statements to the electronic versions of things and
> that is what I'm doing now working through all the
> transactions and making sure they're properly classified.
>   The funny thing is, had I not dumped out the CSV file
> to being with I'd have never seen this at all and the fact
> that I didn't have a problem with the statement at the
> time I got it in the mail also likely means this is an
> error that happened later and one not consequential to me.
> I'm still going to call them next week because I have to
> change a few things anyways so it will be a part of that
> conversation.  Plus it lets them know I'm watching them a
> bit more closely now...  ;)
>   I have a few other errors from long ago that were never
> tracked down (off by a penny, sometimes a 5 dollar mistake,
> once a 10 dollar but nothing like the above (which is
> several hundred).
>   Any similar experiences by anyone else here?  Did you
> ever find such a thing stuck in your account after the
> fact and no mention to you what happened?  Or?
>   Fin
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