Red S wrote:

> Yes, if one hasn't worked with csvs, this can be a tripping point. If you 
> open the .csv in a plain text editor which displays the characters as they 
> are (which I recommend), this will be apparent. Most spreadsheet editors 
> and such won't show this.

  i'm a bit visually challenged at times but normally i would
notice it as my font and editor honor monospaced fonts (which 
i use out of preference for coding data oriented things), but 
for some reason it didn't kick in until i was able to dump the
headers and then it stood out a lot more.

  to change topics a little bit...  :)

  is there a way to get the match to for 'type' to work on a 
substring starting the line instead of having to match the whole 
string?  exit at the first match found.  i do not care about 
performance or how fast it works.

  if you make your list then using the longer lines first then
it will do what you need for it to do and not mean having to
special case each and every type of description.

  for example:

  i have currently:

            'CASH ALTERNATIVES DIVIDENDS (12345)':  'dividends',
            'CASH ALTERNATIVES DIVIDENDS (ABC45)':  'dividends',
            'CASH ALTERNATIVES DIVIDENDS (123)':    'dividends',
            'CASH ALTERNATIVES DIVIDENDS':          'dividends',

  when it would be more concise if i could write it:
            'CASH ALTERNATIVES DIVIDENDS (':        'dividends-ticker',
            'CASH ALTERNATIVES DIVIDENDS':          'dividends-no-ticker',

  this is only one type but there are many more that work the
same way and having to write a new line for each variant is 
making this go a lot longer.

  i've been trying to write this myself but so far i don't get
what i need to do for my convert function for 'type' it's not
as simple as the other examples.

  however it's quite possible i'm missing some other approach as 
my python is weaker than i'd like.  i learn by doing, i get as
far as i can and then hit something which makes me go back and
try other things or other approaches until it clicks.  reading
docs on-line is really bad on your screen if you have limited
room (i need a pretty big font, so if people are putting menus
on the side and links which pop up every time you move your 
mouse around you have to keep panning text in windows left and
right to see what they mean and ... ggrr!).

  i'll get over it eventually.  :)


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