I am using beancount 2.3.5 
<https://github.com/beancount/beancount/tree/2.3.5> and I am trying to 
write a proof of concept file that does the following:

   1. Creates a simple chart of accounts
   2. Posts sample transactions into ledgers using double entry

This is my code:
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal as D 
import beancount.core.data as data 
line_number = 42 

metadata = data.new_metadata(filename='./myfile.beancount', 

# define accounts 
accounts = ["Assets:Bank", "Expenses:Groceries"] 

# create postings 
posting1 = data.Posting(accounts[0], data.Amount(D('1000'), 'USD'), None, 
None, None, meta=metadata) 
posting2 = data.Posting(accounts[1], data.Amount(D('200'), 'USD'), None, 
None, None, meta=metadata) 

# create transactions 
transaction1 = data.Transaction( meta = metadata, date = datetime.strptime(
"2022-03-29", '%Y-%m-%d'), flag = "*", payee = "Bob's Grocery Store", 
narration = "Groceries for the week", tags = set(), links = set(), postings 
= [posting1, posting2] )

After I run the code, I expect to see a newly created file myfile.beancount 
the above transactions in it. However, no file is generated.

I suspect that I might have to mark the accounts as open first, but I can't 
see anywhere in the documentation (or a function/method in the source code) 
that provides a clean entrypoint to do that.

How do I modify this code so that it creates the file and correctly posts 
the transactions to the file?

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