Martin Blais wrote:
> fin wrote:
>>   oh great even more junk mail!  yick...
> I'm more worried about having to read and review code output from GPT that
> users with too little understanding of it will produce.
> Maybe this is the future...
> - In the past, people used to understand assembly code, though they did C
> - then they only knew Java
> - and then it was Ruby and Python
> - and next... well, maybe the whole of programming is going to become a
> paint-by-color exercise.

  i think the ability to test and iterate in meaningful
ways will be the replacement for much of what people
consider coding.  at the simple levels that might be ok.

  yet without formal analysis though they're going to 
run into problems, but that is where someone with the 
deeper knowledge of algorithms and complexity analysis
will make the big bucks fixing such messes.

  in the end how are any of these progams going to be
smart enough to know they're dealing with a complex
mess vs. a more simple one?  i think that ends up 
being similar to knowing when you've run up against a
halting problem question or not and that will likely
take a human level amount of intelligence to figure 


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