Hi Stefan,

my latest changes for procedure migrations have been pushed now:
        *   12973 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, next) # Merge branch 
'migrate-procedures' (2 days ago) <Tim Janik>

In particular BseProject got completely ported now.

To run this, you'll also need bug fixes from the latest rapicorn.

Rapicorn has been changed to use non-recursive make [1] now and suports highly 
paralellized builds.
I'm still working on a bunch of configure.ac and pkg-config fixes, so let me 
know if you run into any problems with this.

At a later point, I'll probably try to port the beast build system to use 
non-recursive make as well.

[1] http://aegis.sourceforge.net/auug97.pdf - Recursive Make Considered Harmful 
- Aegis

Yours sincerely,
Tim Janik

Free software author.
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