Compensation Plan Overview


Rank        PCV    GVC    NPC

Alpha       100    0      0

Bronze      100    1000   1

Silver      350    3500   1

Gold        1000   10000  1

Platinum    2500   25000  1

Diamond     5000   50000  1

DblDiamond  25000  250000 1



DO NOT SKIP this step. You must learn the meaning of ‘PCV? ‘GCV? and ‘NPC? as well as their importance to your commission earning ability.


1. PCV (personal commission volume) is produced when you SELL any of Juvio’s commissionable products and-or services for each person you sponsor into Mach90 you will earn 35 PCV.


2  GCV (group commission volume) is produced from each of your personal sales LUS every sale made by others within your downline sales organization! When you sponsor a paid member into Mach90, you earn 35 PCV and 35 GCV

         “”the SECRET WEAPON !! every enrolle in my group just upgrade after you will be give you 35 GCV for each member, Just watch your GVC growth up..Act Now !! you will jump ahead of more 23000 pre enrollee in the poweline system?/FONT>?/FONT>


3 NPC (non-participant customer) is a person that is buying a Juvio product or service but is not a Juvio Associate Member or a Mach90 member. In other words, this is a pure customer that is enjoying the products and-or services and is not participating in the income opportunity at all.


Easy as 1- BREAK EVEN 

Becoming an Alpha rank ?Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1: Upgrade to become a paid Mach90 Group Member

Step 2: Sponsor just 3 others into Mach90

Step 3: Congratulations! You’re an Alpha rank already!

As an Alpha, you can earn an average commission each month that will more than pay for your services and your business development (your Juvio commission plus your

Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3)!

        Cost per month  : (US$56.95)

        Return Alpha    : US$68.41 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}

        Mach90          : US$22.50


Easy as 2- PROFIT MODE

Becoming a Bronze rank ?Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1: Secure your Alpha rank

Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have at least 1,000+

Step 3: Secure at least 1 NPC sale to secure your Bronze rank

As a Bronze, you can earn an average of up to US$115 or more per month (your Juvio

commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 3).

        Cost per month  : (US$56.95)

        Return Bronze   : US$92.56 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}

        Mach90          : US$22.50





Becoming a Silver rank ?Easy as 1-2-3

Step 1: Secure your Bronze rank

Step 2: Monitor GCV growth until you have the required amount

Step 3: Sponsor just 8 more Mach90 members and maintain your 1 (or more) NPC

sale to secure your Silver rank

As a Silver, you can earn an average of up to US$380 or more per month (your Juvio

commission plus your Mach90 referral commission credit of US$7.50 x 9).

        Cost per month  : (US$ 56.95)

        Return Silver   : US$316.79 {based on Oct. 09, 2004 payouts}

        Mach90          : US$ 67.50



CAR QUALIFIED SILVER ?it’s a snap As a CQ Silver, your average monthly income should be >US$750, up to US$1,500+. Getting the extra 250 PCV needed to make CQ Silver could be as easy as just sponsoring 7 more members into Mach90

Rising from the CQ Silver rank to the Gold rank will require additional business management on your part. This is where the serious income starts to kick in so it will,

naturally, require your serious attention.


GOLD RUSH As a Gold, your average monthly income should be >US$2,500, up to US$5,000+. To achieve Gold from your CQ Silver rank will require you to start a 2 nd new sales leg with all of your personal new sales efforts to be directed into that 2 nd new leg. You will be allowed to count 8,000 GCV of the required 10,000 GCV from your first leg (the original powerleg


FEELING FRISKY? GO PLATINUM The average Platinum in Juvio and Mach90 will earn up to…US$8,500+…yes, US$8,500 or more each month! Got your attention now? been almost US$42,000!).


Still not enough? The Double Diamond is waiting for you then. If you are the first Double Diamond in Juvio, you may well pick up a $100,000 or more bonus…just the Double Diamond bonus! It is estimated that the average Double Diamond income will be

US$25,000 to US$50,000 or more…per month! Remember, it can be as Now, go out and conquer the world and make those dreams of a reality! You can do it! gets better! If you turn in at least 5 of these receipts during a single commission

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