My 12Daily Pro Strategy
Hello My Online Friend, Just want to share..
Here's my personal strategy to getting the best out of 12DailyPro and maximising your earnings ...
Please refer the attachments for the calculation chart and FAQ
The basic strategy is very simple :
Re-invest your earnings !!
You see, I started off with just $6 myself but quickly diverted funds from several other programs that I was involved with into 12DailyPro as my confidence with this particular program grew.
That confidence was based on the fact that I was getting paid on time as was my sponsor and several other people that I regularly liase with online.
Let's assume that one cycle is the time it takes from when you upgrade your account and surfing, to the day you get paid.
From my experience, one cycle takes 18 days on average.
That's 12 days surfing + 6 days to receive payment which equals 18 days.
Now if you start with $1000, here's how it works out if you re-invest your earnings after each cycle.
Cycle 1 : $1000 -> $1440
Cycle 2 : $1440 -> $2073
Cycle 3 : $2073 -> $2985
Cycle 4 : $2985 -> $4299
Cycle 5 : $4299 -> $6191
So in 5 cycles, or 90 days time (3 months time), you would have taken an investment of $1000 Dollars and turned it into $6191 !!
When was the last time your bank paid you that type of return?
With 12DailyPro you can multiply your money by six-fold in just 3 months.
Better still, if you re-invest the $6000, after another 18 days you'll receive $8640.
That equates to a profit of $2640 !!
Now the best thing is that you can keep doing that over and over again.
There are no limits to how much money you can make with 12DailyPro. The only limitation is that you cannot invest more than $6000 per cycle.
As I mentioned before, you can start off with just $6 and re-invest gradually, once you are totally comfortable with what you are doing and how this program works.
So if you haven't done so already, join 12DailyPro.
In my case I quickly invested over $500 after my first month with 12DailyPro.
Additionally, as I promoted this program online, I received 12% commission on deposits made by all the people that I sponsored.
That quickly took my earnings up to $1000 after two months, which I immediately re-invested.
The rest is history ...
I'm now making thousands of dollars per month with 12DailyPro, and you could soon be doing the same :)
All you have to do is to surf 12 websites per day. How hard is that ?
I'm here to help you make money online. I've really struggled to get where I am now, and I seriously want to help you succeed online.
Wishing you all the best,

PS. If you're still undecided about this program, make sure you read the 12DailyPro FAQ which explains everything in more detail. Please refer the attachments for the calculation chart and FAQ .

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-* Sudah saatnya anda memiliki bisnis sendiri!     *-
-* Jangan lagi menjalankan bisnis orang lain!      *-
-* Temukan CARA, ALAT dan RAHASIANYA di sini       *-
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-* Banjiri rekening BANK anda tanpa cari downline! *-
-* Dapatkan UANG kapan saja dan dari siapa saja!   *-
-* Menggunakan SISTEM OTOMATIS membuat anda menjadi*-
-*            JUTAWAN INTERNET BARU !!                *-
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-*   Klik -> <- Klik   *-


Attachment: 12dailypro Analysis.pdf
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