I make several million dollars every year on the internet, doing almost nothing

Stop Being a Pathetic Loser and Start Making Millions

Lets get something straight. I am a jerk. I am obnoxious. I am lazy. And I
don't care, because I am FILTHY RICH. I am much too important to even be
sitting here writing this right now. So I'll keep it short. I make several
million dollars every year on the internet, doing almost nothing. Heard that
before? Well you can see proof of my earnings here. Have you seen proof like
that anywhere else? Didn't think so. Do you make that much money? Didn't think

I'm the real deal. Whether you like it or not, you want to be rich like me,
otherwise you wouldn't be here. And since you are here, I'm sure you already
know that there are thousands of "get rich quick" programs on the internet
today. You've probably even bought some of them yourself. Well, are you
impressed with them? I'm not. Not even close. What proof do these losers have
of their earnings? That they make a few thousand dollars a month? Big deal. I
make millions. And I barely even do anything to earn it. It's so automatic it
would make you sick.


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