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And, you probably know by now that if your husband does not want to go to counseling you can't force him. Please contact me again if I can be of any further service.
I also told his family.
And I think it's very positive that you shared the incident with your friends and families and did not cover things up. For many people from hurtful family backgrounds, honoring a parent may mean having to do so despite how they are treated in return. God has walked me through those issues and I continue to rely on him for guidance. Can you give me some resources that might help me, maybe a book or support for Christian women. He even started therapy.
I guess I am just completely lost right now.
Welcome to my Interactive!
Or, it may include the need to not overly focus on aspects of what has happened in one's childhood that has caused emotional, mental and even physical scarring that a parent may be responsible for.
Though medication might help you cope with things in the short run, you'd just be medicating a symptom instead of working on the cause.
Thank your for listening to me. And you may need to be prepared to be flexible on some issues.
This isn't the first time we have had this problem. If you can't afford individual therapy for your husband, at a minimum I encourage you to seek out support for both of you where you can.
I don't think you need to be ashamed at all for staying with your husband, and your feelings of distrust and fear are all very normal. To some people honoring their mother may mean a need to acknowledge her positive gifts of motherhood in ways that don't allow for further abuse.
Even with all the information we have given it as a society over the past several decades, domestic violence remains a common struggle for many individuals and couples.
But if love is good for all of our souls, then giving grace to others includes learning to include our parents on some level as well.
But if love is good for all of our souls, then giving grace to others includes learning to include our parents on some level as well. I am not a fan of medicating unless it is the last resort. And, while it's true that God desires for us to honor our parents he does not state or demand that we need to endure further abuse at their hands in doing so.
Welcome to my Interactive! He may have only allowed you access to what he wanted you to see.
I think that your 'trust radar' is right on target and that you have very reason to be vigilant and deeply concerned. You can always order professional online counseling services at my website if you'd like further personal counsel and encouragement. I think that your 'trust radar' is right on target and that you have very reason to be vigilant and deeply concerned.

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