Imagine a world in which when you ask for something you get full cooperation. 
You ask for a favour, you get it, you ask for links for your blog, you get 
them, you ask for a review about your blog, you get it. Oh, I can see that look 
in your face. Well, all that can be achieved using some techniques that will 
help you get anyone to do whatever you ask them for.
Timing: As far away from the day you need the favour done, the better. Don't 
ask things for 'today' that will put people anxious and prevent them from 
helping you. In case you are in a rush, go for the people who are not occupied 
or that seem available.
Give before you ask: There are grate examples of people doing this successfully 
all over the place. If you manage to make people feel in debt with you then not 
only they will be willing to help you, but they will do it repeatedly. Ego: The 
response you will get will be different if you show them that they have been 
chosen specially for this task and that there is no one else who can do the 
favour as good as them, than if what you are asking can be done by anyone. This 
doesn't have to be true… you just have to make 'people feel' its true :p
Mood: It's a common mistake to think that people on a bad mood are not willing 
to help. In fact, the opposite is right. Helping makes people happy, so chances 
are that you will get a better response from someone willing to change his 
actual mood than from someone who already feels good.
Just like me: We tend to like people who are like us, or like what we want to 
be. When asking for a favour you should go to the people who you think will 
connect with you at that level. Examples: "So you want me to link to your blog, 
right? Show me who did this already?" Examples are the best weapon on getting 
what you want. Show them that others already helped you on this and that it was 
grate for them too. Don't ask, Just Do: This one I learned after asking John 
Chow for an interview which he didn't give me. But what he did was write a post 
('Emailing Your Favourite Blogger') about how to do it next time:
Don’t ask for an interview. Just send it. I’ve received countless emails asking 
for interviews. The author ask if I agree, they will email me the questions. 
You would get a much better chance of getting a reply if you send the questions 
with the email. The last interview I did, the blogger had the five questions 
right in the email.
Persistence: Studies say that in order to get the definite answer from the 
other side we have to ask for it 6 times. That is if they didn't say 'Yes' the 
first time, obviously!
So that's it! Go out and try this out, you will get lots of favours done while 
you relax and drink some caipirinha!
Link: Making Money With Your Blog


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