Need Immigration to France, Spain, Germany or New Zealand (help)????
All French work permit applications are dealt with by the local 
Direction Departmentale du Travail, 
de L'Emploi et de la Formation Professionale (DDTEFP) on a town by 
town basis. It is therefore 
impossible to give absolute processing times as it varies depending 
on the workload of the local office,
The application is lodged with the local DDTEFP and incomplete 
applications are returned. 
The processing takes generally 4-6 weeks. When a decision is 
reached, the approval will be sent by post to the French client.
Spain has announced a general amnesty for illegal immigrants. By 
registering with the 
relevant authorities, formerly illegal immigrants will beable to 
legitimise their presence in Spain. 
In consequence, the whole Spanish system is overloaded and 
processing times have increased significantly. 

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