  Salman al-Farisi (ra) once said:
  The parable of the body and the heart is like that of a blind man who lives 
with a disabled companion. The disabled companion once said to the blind man, 
'I see a fruit tree nearby, but I cannot reach it on my own. Carry me there and 
I will guide you to it.' The blind man did what he was told, and when they 
reached the tree, they both ate from it and enjoyed its fruits.'
  [Narrated: Al-Amash]
  Salman al-Farisi (ra) once said: 
  There are two sides to every human being, the inner and the outer. When one 
corrects his inner disposition, Allah will make his outer being look more 
beautiful. Hence, when the people see him, they like him. And when one 
tarnishes his inner being with sins, Allah will make his outer being look 
  [Narrated: Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal]
When Abu Bakr (ra) fell ill, people visited him and asked whether he had called 
a physician. He replied: "He already saw me." They asked, "What did he say?" 
Abu Bakr replied, "He said: I do whatever I want."
  Hudaifa (ra) once said to Salman al-Farisi (ra): "O Abu Abdullah, let me 
build a house for you."
Salman looked at Hudaifa and showed a degree of despise towards his suggestion. 
Hudaifa realized what happened and he further explained himself saying: "Slow 
down! Let me explain myself. I meant to build you a house, wherein your head 
will lay at one end, and your feet at the other, and when you wish to raise 
your head, it will hit the ceiling."
  Salman having understood it to mean a grave, he replied: "You seem to have 
read my mind."
[Narrated: Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal]
  Salman al-Farisi (ra) said:
Three things make me laugh, and three things make me cry. I laugh at someone 
who stretches his hopes in this world, being unmindful of death which is 
steadily seeking to end his life. I laugh at someone who is heedless and 
unaware that Allah is not unmindful of him. And finally, I laugh at someone who 
grins from ear to ear, unaware whether his loud laughter is pleasing to his 
Lord, or perhaps whether it is incurring His wrath.
On the other hand, I cry for missing the fellowship of Muhammad (saw) and his 
companions. I cry when I think about a man experiencing the throes of death, 
and his grief and agony with his overwhelming newly unveiled encounter. And 
finally, I cry when I think about my having to stand up on the Day of Reckoning 
before Almighty Allah, blessed is His name, not knowing whether I will be 
thirsted into hell-fire, or let to enter paradise.
[Narrated by Imam Ahman bin Hanbal]
  Abu Huraira (ra) said:
I have learned directly from Allah's messenger (saw) and I have memorized 
prophetic sayings and acquired knowledge that can fill five large bags. By now, 
I have opened and shared with you only two of them. If I were to open the third 
bag, and should you hear what he said, you would surely stone me to death.
[Narrated by Qutaiba bin Sa'id]
  Abu Bakr (ra), during his last illness, said to Abdur Rahman bin Awf (ra): 
I saw the world come before me and it knelt down, but it refrained from coming 
closer. Surely a day will come when people will adorn themselves with silk and 
fineries, and they will contempt the woolen garments. I swear by Allah the 
Almighty that it will be better for one to be unjustly beheaded that to wallow 
in the throes of this world.
  'Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) once addressed the people saying, O sinners! Do not 
feel immune to the punishment for your sins, for such attitude is a greater sin 
than the original one. When you do not feel ashamed of yourselves before the 
two guardian angels who are situated at your right and left sides, that too is 
a more awesome sin than the original one. To laugh after committing a sin, not 
knowing what punishment is awaiting you is a more serious sin as well.

To feel excited about what you have gained by committing your sin is yet a 
greater sin. To feel sorrow for missing an opportunity to gain the forbidden 
fruit of a sin is again a greater sin. To feel afraid, when the wind blows 
against your window curtains, of your sin being exposed, is yet a greater sin. 
And when your heart does not shiver, and dismisses the knowledge that you are 
never away, not even for a fraction of a moment, from the sight of Allah, the 
Lord of majesty and glory - that is yet a more awesome sin!
[Narrated by Ishaq bin Bishr]
  Rasulullah (saw) once said to Aslam Abu Rafi (ra), 'O Abu Rafi, what would 
you say should you one day become extremely poor?'
Abu Rafi replied, 'Would it not be better for me then to start by giving away 
what I have?'
Allah's messenger (saw) answered, 'That will be good. Tell me, how much money 
have you saved?'
Abu Rafi replied, 'Forty thousands, and I am offering it right now for Allah's 
Allah's messenger (saw) said, 'No, don't do that. Give away some of it, save 
some, and satisfy the needs of your own children with the remainder.'

  Abu Rafi then asked, 'O messenger of Allah, when is it that I will become 
Allah's messenger (saw) replied, 'After I leave this world.'

Abu Salim added:
After Allah's messenger (saw) passed, I saw Abu Rafi sitting in on a sidewalk, 
begging, 'Who wishes to give charity to an old blind man? Who wishes to give 
charity to a man who was foretold by Allah's messenger (saw) that he will be 
tried with poverty after him? Is there any one who wishes to distribute money 
in charity today? Indeed, Allah has the upper hand, the charitable person has 
the middle hand, and the recipient has the lower hand. Indeed, whoever begs for 
money he does not need, it will become a distinguished mark of shame by which 
he will be branded and known on the Day of Resurrection. Surely it is not 
permissible to give charity to a rich person, or to a healthy strong man.'

Abu Salim continued: 
  'A man once gave him four dirhams in charity, and Abu Rafi returned one of 
them back. Then man became upset and said to him, 'O servant of Allah, do not 
reject my charity or deny me the right of this duty!' 
  Abu Rafi replied, 'I am not rejecting your charity, but Allah's messenger 
(saw) had ordered me not to save anything over and above my immediate needs.'

  Abu Salim further added: 
  Later on in his life, I witnessed Abu Rafi regain his stature in the world, 
he became rich again and moreover he begot ten children. I also heard him say 
about himself, 'I wish Abu Rafi had died poor.'
  [Narrated by Abu Salim]
  There is no protection, except from Allah. Sayyidina 'Ali (ra) apeared one 
night to a group of his followers in their tent. It was on a battlefield and he 
had crossed the enemy's side without any bodyguards. They asked him in surprise 
why he was doing something as risky as that.
"Don't you believe that Allah the Almighty puts Angels of Hafasa to protect 
you? He puts one in the front and one behind. If it is the will of Allah the 
Almighty for something to come on a servant, the angels will not prevent it. If 
Allah has not given permission for anything harmful to reach a servant, the 
angels will cover you from front to back. Don't worry, you are companions!"
[Pure Hearts by As-Sayyid Muhammad Nazim Adil Qubrusi]
  'Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) once said in one of his khutba:
Let whosoever wishes to follow a sunnah follow the traditions of those who 
passed. Those are the companions of Allah's messenger (saw) and they are the 
best of what this nation of believers (ummah) has ever produced. They possessed 
the most true hearts and the deepest of knowledge and understanding, and they 
were the least presumptuous.

Allah, the most exalted, chose them for the fellowship of His prophet (saw), 
and transmit His religion. Hence, integrate their characters within yourselves 
and follow closely their way (tariqah), for they are the companions of Allah's 
messsenger (saw). They truly walked on the straight path and I swear to this 
truth by Allah, the Lord of the Ka'aba.

O sons of Adam! Be in this world with your body only, but depart from it with 
your heart and concerns. Surely you are answerable for your actions on the Day 
of Grand Standing. Therefore, do what you can today for the benefit of what you 
will reap tomorrow upon death, and inshallah by doing so, you would have 
qualified yourself to receive the best of rewards.
  [Narrated by al-Hassan]
  'Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) said:
Allah, blessed be His name, has decreed for each and everyone of His creation a 
lawful share of basic sustenance he needs in this world, and regardless of 
whether such a peson is a true believer or a stubborn sinner and a disbeliever.
If the servant awaits to receive his share of lawful earnings with patience, 
Allah will deliver them to him with His blessings, and if the servant becomes 
anxious, looses patience, and lay hands on what is unlawful instead, Allah will 
substract from his decreed lawful share an equal amount to what he takes 
unlawfully, and about which he will be reckoned on the Day of Judgment.
[Narrated: Sa'id bin Jubair]
  'Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) once said:
Allah, the Most High, has servants who are silenced by neither incapacity nor 
sickness but rather they remain silent in reverence to His majesty, and their 
knowledge of His omnipresence, being the all-Hearing and the all-Seeing Lord. 
In fact, such are the true gnostics, the true knowledgeable ones, the most 
eloquent speakers, the most concise explainers, the noblest ones among all 
They are most cognizant and vigilant of the days of Allah, the Lord of majesty 
and glory. Every time they remember the majesty and glory of Almighty Allah, 
their Lord, they lose their minds, their hearts become shattered, and they 
become speechless. As soon as they regain their composure they hasten to Allah, 
the Lord of majesty and glory, blessed be His Name, and they offer every noble 
deed and sincere devotion for the sake of His pleasure.
[Narrated: Wahhab bin Munbih]
  'Abdullah bin Mas'ud (ra) said:
You are only guests in this world and what you own is only a borrowed trust. 
Eventually the guest will depart and the borrowed trust must be returned to its 
rightful Owner.
[Narrated: Dhahhak bin Muzahim]
  'Abdullah ibn Abbas (ra) said:
"As the Day of Judgment nears, a voice will announce continuously, 'The Hour of 
Reckoning is coming! The Hour of Reckoning is at hand!' Every living and dead 
creature will hear that harbinger of the Hour calling. The caller will also 
say, 'To whom does the kingdom belong today? It belongs to the One, the 
All-powerful and Irresistible sovereign Lord."
  [Narrated: Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal]
  (Selected posting from Yeni Osmanli)
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