  The beauty of the heart is the lasting beauty:
Its lips give to drink of the water of life.
Truly it is the water, that which pours,
And the one who drinks --all three
Become one when your talisman is shattered.
That oneness you can't know by reasoning.
[Mathnawi II: 716-718] 
  Giving thanks for abundance
is sweeter than the abundance itself:
Should one who is absorbed with the Generous One
be distracted by the gift?
Thankfulness is the soul of beneficence;
abundance is but the husk,
for thankfulness brings you to the place 
  where the Beloved lives.
Abundance yields heedlessness;
thankfulness, alertness:
hunt for bounty with the snare of gratitude to the King.
[Mathnawi III, 2895-2897]

  Union with you is the source of happiness, 
  for those are but forms and this is reality.
Break not for a moment from your servant, 
  for a ship cannot sail without water.
I am a faulty Qur'an but am made correct when you recite.
A Joseph alone, and a hundred wolves, 
  yet he escapes when you are shepherd.
Every time you ask me, "How are you?" 
  I am with tears and pale cheeks.
For the vulgar these two are tokens; 
  what are signs to you who are without signs?
Unspoken you hear the discourse, 
  unwritten you read the deed.
Without sleep you show visions, 
  without water you drive on the ships.
Silence, have done with praises and petition, 
  for from the Unseen has come "thou shall not see Me".*
[Diwan-e Shams, Ghazal (Ode) 2756]
  *When Moses asked to see God on the mount, 
  the answer was, 'You will never see Me (direct).
  However, look at the mountain: if it remains firm 
  in its place, then you will see Me.' So when his 
  Lord revealed His glory to the mount, He made 
  it as dust, and Moses fell down senseless..."
  Qur'an 7:143
  Love is the flame which, when it blazes,
consumes everything other than the beloved.
The lover wields the sword of Nothingness*
in order to dispatch all but God:
consider what remains after Nothing.
There remains but God: all the rest is gone.
Praise to you, O mighty Love, destroyer of all other "gods."
  [Mathnawi V: 588-590]
*The "Laa" of "Laa ilaaha illaa Allah" (There are no gods but God, 
  Qur'an 47:19) -- "Laa" written in Arabic has the shape of a sword.

  When Adam became the theater of Divine inspiration and love, 
  his rational soul revealed to him the knowledge of the Names.**
His tongue, reading from the page of his heart, 
  recited the name of everything that is.
Through his inward vision his tongue divulged the qualities of each; 
  for each it bestowed an appropriate name.
Nine hundred Noah walked in the straight way, 
  and everyday he preached a new sermon.
His ruby lip drew its eloquence from the precious jewel 
  that is within the hearts of prophets:
he had not read Qushayr's Risalah or the Qut al-Qulub of Abu Talib.
He had not learned to preach from poring over commentaries;
no, he learned from the fountain of revelations and the spirit--
from the wine that is so potent that when it is quaffed
the water of speech gushes from the mouth of the dumb,
and the new-born child becomes an eloquent divine
and, like the Messiah, recites words of ripened wisdom.
  [Mathnawi VI:2648-2656]
  **Qur'an, al-Baqarah [2]:31

  Source: Poem
  [1] Mathnawi II: 716-718; "Rumi: Daylight", trans. Camille and Kabir 
Helminski, Threshold Books, 1994, Persian transliteration courtesy of Yahya 
  [2] Mathnawi III, 2895-2897; "Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance", trans. Camille 
and Kabir Helminski, Threshold Books, 1996, Persian transliteration courtesy of 
Yahya Monastra
  [3] Diwan-e Shams, Ghazal (Ode) 2756; "Mystical Poems of Rumi 2", trans. A.J. 
Arberry, The University of Chicago Press, 1979/1991
[4] Mathnawi V: 588-590; "Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance" 
[5] Mathnawi VI:2648-2656; "Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance"

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