Everyone is looking for that magic bullet that will
allow them to retire rich or at least comfortable.
They want to be able to do what the TV ads show -
vacationing in Fiji, fly fishing in Vermont, etc, etc.
It seems so easy on TV.

A pretty financial analyst from some big company shows
the prospect how it is done. The next part of the
trick is getting it done and that aint easy. It
usually means a change because the potential retiree
must take part of the cash now being spent on present
life style and put it away not to be spent until
retirement becomes a reality. If the couple shown in
the ad do it they will be glad they did. Sacrificing
some current pleasantries will have been worth it. The
$2,000, $3,000, $5,000 trip today could be worth twice
that amount or more at age 65 if the worker now is
lucky enough to have a good broker or planner one who
will not allow loss of principal during subsequent
bear markets.


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