In early 2006 my wife Kath was looking for free
finance ebooks on the web. We were both disgruntled
about the pay and long dangerous hours in my
contracting job, so she decided to do something about
it. She came across an ebook from Jamie McIntyre at
21st Century Academy called "What I Didn't Learn at
School But Wish I Had". After reading the ebook Kath
was so impressed that she ordered the free DVD with
the same title.

When we both watched the DVD we were convinced that
this was the right system for us, so we ordered the
21st Century Homestudy Program. This was tough going,
because we were down to our last $500 after a
renovation on the trashed former drug baron's house
across the road. We thought that the renovation road
was the route to wealth and thats why we were doing
it. Previously, we had been in Network Marketing for
many years, but could not seem to breakthrough to the
levels we needed to have a decent lifestyle. When we
ordered the program, our one thought was, if this
doesnt work, its getting returned!

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