
Just so everyone knows...the dist build is currently broken while Bryan and I patch up the system controls in the split SVN depots.

  Will send mail when it's all fixed.


Eddie O'Neil wrote:

I think I've got access to all of the ControlHaus repositories, so go ahead and make your change to SVN, send along the patch for CH, and I'll get that commit done.

On the larger issue of ControlHaus, it's definitely been an issue in the past. Fortunately, there is a solution coming soon to Apache; stay tuned in the next day or so and I'll update everyone with a plan for this.



Bryan Che wrote:

Hi, I've been working on and have changed the beehive build system to output "beehive-controls.jar" rather than "controls.jar." However, this change will break the controlhaus controls that we ship. I have a patch to fix those controls, but I can't apply it to the controlhaus svn repository. Some options for handling this situation include:

-submit my changes and coordinate with someone else at controlhaus (who?) to commit my patch afterwards
-post all my changes as a patchfile and let someone with access to both beehive and controlhaus apply the changes
-submit my changes, attach my controlhaus patch to the jira, and let someone at controlhaus take responsibility for applying it after I submit

This leads to some broader questions: is controlhaus just another client of beehive, or do we handle it differently since we ship controlhaus controls? If so, how do we do it when beehive developers may not be controlhaus developers? How do we alert people to api or build-breaking changes?


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