Hi Folks;

I'm trying to get a handle on using "sessions" so I have been trying to
get through the docs at;


He has a few sample programs and his first is below;

#!/usr/bin/perl -w                                                        
 # Hello World.
 use strict;
 use vars qw($sob);

 use Session;
 local $sob = Session->new();

 if ($sob->open_session(0)) {

 #------------------------ main 
 sub main {
     if ( $sob->{COMPONENT}{call_number} ) {
     } else {
         $sob->{COMPONENT}{call_number} = 1;
     print $sob->header(),
           $sob->start_html('Hello', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'), 
           "<h1>Hello World</h1>
           Your Sessions ID is $sob->{SESSION}{_session_id}<p>
           This is your $sob->{COMPONENT}{call_number}. call to main.cgi.

He says to name the file "main.cgi" and view it through the
browser....yet when I try to, I get the dreaded 500 Server error.

Running the program from the command line and the Apache error logs
produce this..

Can't locate object method "new" via package "Session" at main.cgi line 7.

Any ideas why the example above will not run at my site?

I know I'm missing something simple here..just not sure what.

- thanks -


       best regards

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