Well, I did note that I had omitted the METHOD="POST" statement.  However,
that didn't fix it.  Oddly, adding a text field to the form solved the
problem.  I know that isn't necessary by HTML standards, so I am once again
scrutinizing Personal Web Server as the potential culprit.  Since I did need
to add a couple of optioinal fields to that page in the future anyway, the
quirk isn't THAT annoying, just a minor nuisance.

I know.  REAL web programmers use Apache.  Unfortunately, most of my
customers run IIS, so I try to run on PWS (Pretty Weak S***? Pathetic Weenie
Server?) since it most closely approximates.  I now have a Win2k platform at
home with IIS running, so I can test in a better environment.

BTW: In the future, try to use Reply to All to reply to the list, so others
on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list can benefit from the suggestions.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howdy! [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 9:00 PM
> To: Kris Cook
> Subject: Re: Circular reference
> Kris,
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Actually, this is the code for Validate.pl.  Validate looks up the
> username
> > and password, and if it's not found, gives the user the 
> chance to hit the
> > Back button and re-enter.  On Continue, it sets the name of 
> the menu to
> > load, and goes forward to StargPage.pl, wihch simply sets 
> up a frames page
> > with the appropriate menu in the left frame.
> >
> > StartPage.pl DOES INDEED receive $nextnav.  If I set up a 
> simple form to
> > create the hidden field and call StartPage.pl, it  works: 
> but, when it's
> > done from Validate.pl, it re-enters Validate.pl instead of calling
> > StartPage.pl.  Most odd.
> >
> > Also, this is just the prototype of the finished product.  
> It DOES need to
> > be a form, eventually.   Eventually, there will be one-way 
> encryption on
> the
> > password, and it will be compared to a stored, encrypted 
> password.  So,
> what
> > I neeed is a way to validate the pairs, give the user a 
> choice of going
> back
> > or going forward, and passing the appropriate menu name to the next
> program.
> Okay, so I copied your code and reformatted it using more 
> CGI.pm calls to
> run a test.  I also created a StartPage.pl to receive 
> Validate.pl's input.
> Everything works fine. Which leads me to wonder if your form 
> method is using
> GET instead of POST.  Check that and here is the code I 
> mocked up which
> works fine:
> -- Validate.pl --
> #!/perl/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> use strict;
> my $userid = param('userid');
> my $passwd = param('passwd');
> # Verify name and password here
> # If validated okay
> my $welcome_validated = "Welcome $userid!  Good to seeya! 
> Click Continue to
> go on.";
> my $nextnav_validated = "AdminMenu.htm";
> # If not validated okay
> my $welcome_not_validated = "Sorry, $userid, but I don't find 
> a matching
> password.<BR>\n".
>          "I'll have to send you in as a user, or you can click on your
> browser's<BR>\n".
>          "<STRONG>Back</STRONG> button and try again.<BR>";
> my $nextnav_not_validated = "VisitorMenu.htm";
> print
>     header, start_html, br,
>     "$welcome_validated\n",
>     start_form(-action=>'StartPage.pl'),
>     hidden(-name=>'nextnav',-value=>"$nextnav_validated"),
>     p,
>     submit(-name=>'Continue'),
>     end_form,"\n\n",
>     hr,
>     "$welcome_not_validated\n",
>     start_form(-action=>'StartPage.pl'),
>     hidden(-name=>'nextnav',-value=>"$nextnav_not_validated"),
>     p,
>     submit(-name=>'Continue'),
>     end_form,
>     end_html;
> -- StartPage.pl --
> #!/perl/bin/perl
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> use strict;
> my $nextnav = param('nextnav');
> print
>     header,
>     start_html,
>     "You chose [$nextnav]",
>     end_html;
> Hope it helps!!!
> Joel
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Howdy! [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 11:11 AM
> > > To: Kris Cook
> > > Subject: Re: Circular reference
> > >
> > >
> > > << Regarding: Circular reference, Kris Cook said >>
> > >
> > >
> > > > I wrote a Perl script that receives a trio of parameters
> > > (DSN, user ID and
> > > > password), and validates that the UserID and Passwd match a
> > > pair in the
> > > > database.  It then displays a message based on whether you
> > > validated, and
> > > > gves you a continue button.  This seems to work fine, but
> > > when you click
> > > on
> > > > continue, instead of going to the next page, it re-enters
> > > the same Perl
> > > > script!  Of course, this time it hasn't prepared the
> > > parameters, so now it
> > > > DOESN'T find the right information.  I am extremely confused.
> > > >
> > > > The code is below:
> > >
> > > << Snipped Code  >>
> > >
> > > > my $cgi        = new CGI;
> > > > my $dsn        = $cgi->param('DSN');
> > > > my $ODBCString = "DSN=".$dsn.";";
> > > > print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> > > >
> > > > my $userid     = $cgi->param('userid');
> > > > my $passwd     = $cgi->param('passwd');
> > >
> > > << Snipped Code  >>
> > >
> > > > if ($db->FetchRow) {
> > > >    my %Data;
> > > >    undef %Data;
> > > >    %Data = $db->DataHash();
> > > >    my $found;
> > > >    my $item;
> > > >    my $value;
> > > >    while (($item,$value) = each(%Data))
> > > >    {
> > > >       $found = $value;
> > > >    }
> > > >    if ($found)
> > > >    {
> > > >       $welcome = "Welcome ".$userid."!  Good to seeya!
> > > Click Continue to
> > > go
> > > > on.";
> > > >       $nextnav = "AdminMenu.htm";
> > > >    }
> > > >    else
> > > >    {
> > > >       $welcome = "Sorry, ".$userid.", but I don\'t find 
> a matching
> > > > password.<BR>\n".
> > > >                  "I\'ll have to send you in as a user, or
> > > you can click on
> > > > your browser\'s<BR>\n".
> > > >                  "<STRONG>Back</STRONG> button and try 
> again.<BR>";
> > > >       $nextnav = "VisitorMenu.htm";
> > > >    }
> > > > }
> > > > print <<EOF;
> > > >          <BR>
> > > >          $welcome
> > > >          <FORM ACTON="http://localhost/scripts/StartPage.pl";>
> > > >          <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="nextnav" VALUE="$nextnav">
> > > >          <P>
> > > >          <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Continue">
> > > >       </FORM>
> > > >    </BODY>
> > > > </HTML>
> > > > EOF
> > >
> > > The ACTION part of your FORM tag is telling it to go to
> > > StartPage.pl which I
> > > assume is the code you've included.  You have $nextnav tucked
> > > into a hidden
> > > form field for which StartPage.pl is not using.
> > >
> > > It looks like you don't need a form here at all.  Either make
> > > a hyperlink
> > > for the
> > > 'Continue' with the right $nextnav like:  <a
> > > href=$nextnav>Continue</a> OR
> > > use a button with javascript to go to the right page like:
> > > ONCLICK="Javascript:document.location.href='$nextnav' "> OR
> > > Cgi.pm style: print
> > > $cgi->button(-name=>'Continue',-onClick=>"Javascript:document.
> > > location.href=
> > > '$nextnav' ");
> > >
> > > Hope that helps!
> > >
> > > Joel
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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