>From what I understand, you should try and declare your $username, $password before 
>you try and pass it in the query string. Also, I don't see where in the script you 
>compare it against anything. Of course I may be thinking dB terms.

Mark Bergeron

-----Original Message-----
From: "Abel Lucano"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Jun 13 15:34:53 PDT 2001
Subject: calling a external cgi from a form passing parameters

>Hi everyone,
>why this doesn't pass $username and $password to checkuser.cgi script??
>when the form is filled out I only see
>and $usuario it's not replaced by param('username'), etc
>Any advice will be very appreciated,
>use CGI;
>use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
>$q = new CGI;
>print $q->header,
>      $q->start_html({bgcolor=>"white"}, 'Check users'),
>      $q->h1('Check users'),
>      $q->br,
>      $q->h3('type user name'),
>      $q->textfield(-name=>'username',  -size=>20),
>      $q->p(),
>      $q->h3('type user password'),
>      $q->password_field(-name=>'passwd',  -size=>20),
>      $usuario = $q->param('username'),
>      $contrasena = $q->param('passwd'),
>      $q->p(),
>      $q->submit(-name=>'Check'),
>      $q->end_form, $q->hr,
>      $q->end_html;
>Abel Lucano
>Decode SA

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