David Draley wrote:
> I have a perl form that records to a MySql database.  Every time someone
> uses the form and enters “quoted text” in a text box or text area the record
> is not sent.  Is there a way to allow “quoted text” to be processed?  Any
> recommendations?

use placeholders.  ie.-

$query = qq{insert into foo (bar, bat) values(?, ?)};
$dbh->do($query, undef, $formvalue1, $formvalue2);

this will insert a new record into foo with bar and bat values of
$formvalue1 and $formvalue2.

or, you could have

$query = qq{select foo from bar where bat=?};
$foo = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, undef, $formvalue);
here, we're selecting the foo field of all bar records where bat equals
the $formvalue.

using placeholders (the question marks), your data will automatically be
escaped.  for more details, try reading perldoc DBI.

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