Has this list had postings yet? I don't seem to be receiving any I think.

Mark Bergeron

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu Jun 14 09:35:06 PDT 2001
Subject: Weekly list FAQ posting

>    beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners-cgi mailing list
>1 -  Administriva
>  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?
>    Send mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
>    (assuming [EMAIL PROTECTED] is your email address):
>  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?
>    Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
>    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, and wait for a response. Once you
>    reply to the response, you'll be unsubscribed. If that doesn't work,
>    find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
>    like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?
>    Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:
>    To unsubscribe from the digest, send an email to:
>  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?
>    Yes, there is. It is located at:
>    http://archive.develooper.com/beginners-cgi%40perl.org/
>  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?
>    This document will be emailed to the list once a month, and will be
>    available online in the archives, and at http://beginners.perl.org/
>  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?
>    Send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with your suggestion.
>  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?
>    Yes, there is. It is located at:
>    http://beginners.perl.org/
>  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?
>    Casey West owns the beginners-cgi list. You can contact him at
>  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?
>    Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
>    suggestions only) in question 1.6
>  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?
>    Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
>    yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
>    are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
>    off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
>    sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
>    do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
>    not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
>    roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
>    simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
>    to Perl/CGI beginners.
>  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?
>    May 31, 2001
>2 -  Questions about the 'beginners-cgi' list.
>  2.1 - What is the list for?
>    A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly
>    atmosphere. The topic of the list is, of course, CGI with Perl.
>  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?
>    * SPAM
>    * Homework
>    * Solicitation
>    * Things that aren't Perl related
>    * Non Perl/CGI questions or issues
>    * Lemurs
>  2.3 - Are there any rules?
>    Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
>    shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.
>    * Be nice
>    * No flaming
>    * Have fun
>  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?
>    Basically, if it has to do with Perl/CGI , then it is allowed. If your
>    question has nothing at all to do with Perl/CGI, it will likely be
>    ignored.
>  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?
>    Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
>    idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
>    answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.
>  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?
>    We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
>    beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)
>  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
>look first?
>    Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
>    It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
>    having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
>    about 'perldoc' by typing:
>    `perldoc perldoc'
>    At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at:
>    http://www.perldoc.com and http://www.perl.com
>3 - Other Resources
>  3.1 - What other websites may be useful to a beginner ?
>    * Perl Home Page - http://www.perl.com
>    * PerlMonks - http://www.perlmonks.org
>    * Perldoc - http://www.perldoc.com
>    * Perl Archives - http://www.perlarchives.com
>  3.2 - What resources may be harmful to a beginner?
>    Anything having to do with the names Matt Wright, or Selena Sol. Why?
>    You may ask yourself. Well, their scripts are old and have been known to
>    be buggy, as well as have security issues. They were written in the days
>    of Perl 4. This means there is no scoping, stricture, warnings, idioms,
>    or file locking to name a few issues. Because of this, it may be best to
>    not steer a new Perl programmer to their code. It is easier to learn the
>    correct way the first time, rather than have to relearn (or reteach) bad
>    habits that are picked up.
>  3.3 - What books would be good?
>    * Writing CGI Applications with Perl, by Kevin Meltzer/Brent Michalski
>    (Addison-Wesley)
>    * Programming Perl, 3rd Ed. by Larry Wall, et al. (O'Reilly)
>    * Learning Perl, 3rd Ed. by Randal Schwartz, et al. (O'Reilly)
>    * Perl Cookbook, by Nat Torkington/Tom Christiansen (O'Reilly)
>    * Mastering Regular Expressions, by Jeffrey Friedl (O'Reilly)
>    * Effective Perl Programming, by Joseph N. Hall (Addison-Wesley)
>    * Network Programming with Perl, by Lincoln Stein (Addison-Wesley)
>    * Object Oriented Perl, by Damian Conway (Manning)
>    * Elements of Perl Programming, by Andrew Johnson (Manning)
>    * Data Munging with Perl, by Dave Cross (Manning)
>    * Teach Yourself Perl in 24 Hours, by Clinton Pierce (Sams)
>    * Beginning Perl, by Simon Cozens (Wrox)
>  3.4 I use IRC, any helpful Perl channels out there?
>    Glad you asked! There is indeed a place where you can ask all your Perl
>    questions on IRC.
>    Network: irc.rhizomatic.net
>    Channel: #perl-help
>4 - Think Before Posting!
>    Please always think before you write; when you write you are taking the
>    time of over a thousand people.
>    If what you write takes just 30 seconds to read, that's more than 8
>    hours(!) of time burned that could have been used writing code. :)
>    So please keep the following things in mind when posting:
>    * Before you write a question please make sure you've checked all the
>    FAQs and the documentation you know of.
>    * Before you write an answer, make sure you that you really are
>    contributing to a solution and doublecheck that noone else already gave
>    the same answer.
>    * If your question is about LWP (accessing webpages from Perl), DBI
>    (accessing databases from Perl), or general Perl questions, there are
>    other mailinglists you should use.
>            Subscribe by sending mail to:
>            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        They all have digest versions too. You can subscribe to those by
>        inserting -digest just before -subscribe, for example
>    * If you think what you are writing may be taken in a way you didn't
>    intend, please add a smiley :-) Many flame wars are stopped by a simple
>    smiley!
>    * No flames. If your fingers are burning as you are typing the email, it
>    would likely be best not to send it.
>    __END__

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