I need help installing CGI.pm module through ftp.

First of all, I don't understand how I can where I write the below 
commands.  I am at home and the server is on campus.  I tested a 
CGI.pm script to see if it was installed, it may be but my cgi 
priveleges do not seem to allow me access.

So, (don't laugh) I tried to make a cgi file with the below code 
except setting the perl path #!/usr/local/bin/perl and then tried to 
run the code from the browser but it didn't work.  I don't know what 
else to try.  Can I just upload CGI.pm then say use?  I know, no, 
because it needs to be installed?  (Well, I tried this as well and no 

Install CGI.pm without privileges per CGIpm.html by L.Stein:

    % perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site INSTALLSITELIB=/home/your/private/dir
    % make
    % make install
*** Teresa Raymond
*** http://www.mariposanet.com

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