I have some simple Perl scripts that I use for several forms that have
been working correctly for several months. This week we got a new
firewall and now my forms do not work.
The user submitting the form does not see any error and believes we have
received the information inputted by the form. I receive an error
message, "attachment denied by WatchGruard SMTP proxy (type "text",
filename "(none)")

We use a Unix server that is maintained by the state government. It uses
sendmail to forward the form information to me by email. Although this
has always appeared to be a simple email message, apparently the body of
the message is actually an attachment. If I knew what extension the
program uses, I believe I can write a rule for the firewall that will
allow the message to pass through the firewall.

Does anyone know what extension(s) that sendmail uses when it complies
an email message as part of a Perl program?

Thank you!!

Cheryl Kirkpatrick
Web Administrator/
Information Technology Librarian
South Carolina State Library
Telephone: 803.734.5831

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