Geraint Jones wrote:
: I'm stuck! I want to write to a text file through a CGI script in 
: append/truncate mode, but every time I am told I don't have permission. I'm 
: running Linux, I've changed ownership and group to nobody and nogroup to no 
: avail.

A few thoughts:

* Is the file writable?

* Does "nobody" have write permission
  on the directory where the file is?

* Sure you've got the path to the file right?

* Do you have taint mode on? if so, where is the filename coming from?
  if it's coming from outside the script, are you untainting it?

: What do I have to do to get it to work? Security is not an issue (yet!).

Then how about posting the root password, and we'll all log in & take a
shot at fixing it? (sorry, couldn't resist... ;)

-- tdk

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