Thanks again for the help ... 

needed to change my default mask to allow tar to create dirs with correct
permissions ...

I was/am not use to what tar does ...

now the make ... 

-----Original Message-----
From: Moon, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: June 27, 2001 14:30
To: CGI Beginners
Subject: RE: Help with Download

Thanks for the help ... 

I got a little further .... but still get :

tar: - cannot create
tar: - cannot create
tar: - cannot create
tar: - cannot create
tar: - cannot create

Results of gunzip & tar: 

SUN1>ls  CGI_pm_tar

SUN1>ls -l ..

total 0
drwxrwxrwx   3 usract   admin         96 Jun 27 14:25 CGI


-----Original Message-----
From: fliptop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: June 27, 2001 13:01
To: Moon, John
Cc: CGI Beginners
Subject: Re: Help with Download

"Moon, John" wrote:
> I have downloaded (to
> pc then ftp to Unix as binary to directory when I want to install ) but am
> not familiar with the tar processor... When I tried :
> SUN2>tar xvf *.tar

you need to unzip it first:

gunzip *.gz

or, maybe (on a sun os):

gzip -d *.gz

then run a tar -xvf *.tar

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