On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, James Kelty wrote:

> Can you include say a header and footer .cgi file that is just a
> subroutine? The reason I ask, is that it seems to me that it might make
> things (on a larger application) easier if all you had to do was mess
> with the middle content of the pages.  Does this make sense at all?

Include where?  Include head and footer subs in a main CGI script?  You
can certainly do that, if you properly create a a module and import the
subroutines.  If you are talking about using SSI in HTML, you can do that
also, if your server supports SSI.

You might want to take a look at Mason: http://masonhq.com.  It's a
Perl-based component framework for building web applications, and can
accomplish what you want to do, and much more on top of that.

-- Brett
Breeding rabbits is a hare raising experience.

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