First you should always use strict. It'll help catch things like your misspeling
of jonh.  The request you are sending is for a POST, which means that the
form data has to be passed in the body of the request, which you forgot to do.

So just add:


Correct the spelling mistake, use strict, my all your variables,  and it should
work fine.. except that your query isn't understood by their cgi.

I used this query for testing:

my $john =

p.s. interesting project :)

my edited  version:

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST =>
my $john =

# print $req->as_string();
my $res = $ua->request($req);
print $res->code,'\n';
print $res->content();

Greg Touchton wrote:

> I can't get any response from the location I am trying to contact. I can reach
> an external location like without any problem. When I use my web
> browser I have no problem receiving a response from the CGI even if I give bad
> information to the POST. I know I am not using a proxy. Please pardon my email
> program for the wordwrap...
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
> my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST =>
> '');
> $req->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
> $john =
> qw(order=symbol&include=""&*limit=0&_Species_key=""&op:symname=begins&);
> $john .= qw(symname=abl1);
> $jonh.=qw(&symnameBreadth=CWS&cmp_Species_key="");
> my $res = $ua->request($req);
> print $res->code,'\n';
> Thank you,
> Greg Touchton    \\   /=====|
> 540-552-5967      \\ //  =|
> 338 Shenandoah Cir \//   =|

Perl, because 600 billion oysters can't be wrong
   Canadian Consulting Services' pet perl hacker
   David Labatte [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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