
And thanks again.

Can anyone suggest why the following gives me an error of:

'no comma allowed after filehandle at /cgi-bin/filename line 13'

Line 13 is the print header, start_html( etc etc one

A script which begins in exactly the same way does not do this (and
alos runs fine).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# test script to query an mysql database via cgi and web interface
# developed as standalone and now for conversion to run as cgi
# - in hashes at the bottom is the functionning standalone version
use strict;
use DBI;
use CGI qw(standard);

my ($sql, $dbh, $sth, $field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, @rows, $counter, $q);

print header, start_html("test_query"),  h1("test_query");

print p("If you want to query the database please fill in the form
below and press the Query button"), print hr();

$q = CGI -> new();
if (param())  {
    $field1 = param ("field1");
    $value1 = param ("value1");
    $field2 = param ("field2");
    $value2 = param ("value2");

    print h2("OK so far");

$dbh = DBI -> connect ("DBI:mysql:ami","fgs") || die $DBI::errstr;
$sql = qq{SELECT * FROM testami WHERE $field1 = '$value1' and $field2 = '$value2'};
$sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
$sth -> execute();

$counter = 0;

while (@rows = $sth -> fetchrow_array())  {
    $dbh -> disconnect();
    print p("The toal number of matches was \$counter");
else  {
    print hr();
    print start_form();
    print p("What is the first field ?  : ", textfield ("field1"));
    print p("WHat is value for field one ?  : ", textfield ("value1"));
    print p("What is name of field2 ?  : ", textfield("field2"));
    print p("What is value for field2 ?  : ", testfield("value2"));
    print p(submit("Query"), reset("Clear"));
            print end_form(), hr();

print end_html();

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#use strict;
#use DBI;
#my ($sql, $dbh, $sth, $field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, @rows, $counter);
#print "Enter the first fieldname (field1)       : "; chomp ($field1 = <>);
#print "enter the value for field one (value1)   : "; chomp ($value1 = <>);
#print "Enter the second fieldname (field2)      : "; chomp ($field2 = <>);
#print "enter the value for field two (value2)   : "; chomp ($value2 = <>);

#$dbh = DBI -> connect ("DBI:mysql:ami","fgs") || die $DBI::errstr;
#$sql = qq{SELECT * FROM testami WHERE $field1 = '$value1' and $field2 = '$value2'};
#$sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
#$sth -> execute();
#$counter = 0;
#while (@rows = $sth -> fetchrow_array())  {
#    $counter++;
#    print "@rows\n";
#    print "Number of records  =  $counter\n\n";
#$dbh -> disconnect;

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