Hytham Shehab wrote:
> hi gurus,
>     i use the upload() function in the CGI module to get a file in the
> filefield tag, but i don't understand how to get it to the server?
> $fh=$q->upload('file_to_be_uploaded');
> while(<$fh>){
>     print;
> }

you need to tell perl to print the uploaded file to a file on the hard

open(FILE, ">/some/directory/filename.ext");

my $fh = $q->upload('form_name_for_file_upload');
while (<$fh>) {
  print FILE;


don't forget that the file upload will fail if you try to overwrite a
file that already exists.  also notice this code assumes $fh is a valid
filehandle (ie.- there's no code there to handle the case when it

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