On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Camilo Gonzalez wrote:

> That's true, but if you have double quotes inside of single quotes, the
> double quotes will still interpolate. In other words, the enclosing single
> quotes will not block the mighty interpolative power of the enclosed double
> quotes. Please let me know if you believe this yo be incorrect.

That is incorrect.  Double quotes inside of single quotes are treated as
text characters, not as Perl operators.  The reverse is also true --
single quotes embedded inside of a string delimited with double quotes
will still interpolate:

my $query = "SELECT * FROM host_table WHERE hostname ='$host' and domain =

However, this does interpolate:

my $string = 'Some text', " $var with more text ", 'more text';

-- Brett
        A horse breeder has his young colts bottle-fed after they're three
days old.  He heard that a foal and his mummy are soon parted.

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