Hi all,

I hope this isn't a goofy question ;-)  I have a simple CGI front end
for processing Snort logs with Calamaris. It is currently set up like this:

sub do_report
{    local ($command) = @_;
      $| = 1;
      print "Content-type: text/html \n\n";
      system ("$command 2> /dev/null");
} # end sub do_report

$command is something like:
$command = "cat /my/log | /path/to/calamaris -options -to -output -html -etc"

This works fine when processing smallish logs. However, as my logs have
grown, I frequently get browser time outs.  What I was thinking is to start
the log processing then send some sort or server push animation until
Calamaris is done then push the resulting report.  Is this the correct way
to go about this?  If so, how?  If not, what is the "right" way?

Thanks to all for any input,

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