So how exactly do I add the error checking in there?
Hints anyone since I am very new to this whole process.


                    "Brett W. McCoy"                                                   
                    <bmccoy@chapelper        To:     Bjorn Nilsen 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
          >               cc:     
                                             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
                    07/17/2001 08:24         Subject:     RE: passing form values to 
                    PM                       Perl script                               

On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Bjorn Nilsen wrote:

> This is all true but not what he is asking.
> I know of one way, you can call a CGI script with the parameters that you
> would normally feed into a form in the URL.
> eg:"bla"&numbers=23

I don't know that's what he asked about... he said he wanted to use values
from a form as command-line arguments to another script.  Regardless, you
still need to practice safe form validation practices, no matter what you
ned up doing with the data.

-- Brett
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