try this:

my $row;
print "<table>";
while($row = $dbh->fetch()) {
        print Tr([td([@$row[1..18]])]);
print "</table>";

This only pulls a database resultset row into memory when you need.  In your
earlier example you pull everything into memory first and then print it out.
This can be quite inefficient.  I'm not sure how much this will speed up
your load time, if any, but it theoretically should work.

Brad Handy

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 7:07 AM
> Subject: Table display speed: can be improved?
> Hi,
>       I have to display some tables with several hundreds of rows in one
> page. It takes more than 30s for 150 rows with that code:
> $recordset = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($query, undef);
> print "<table>";
> foreach $row(@$recordset)

>                       print Tr([td([@$row[1..18]])]);
>               }
> print "</table>";
> Has anyone a clue how to improve that to some seconds?
> Thanks,
> Yann
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